Mia and I are wrapped in each other’s arms as we sway to the beat of the slow song. Her head rests on my chest and my face is buried in her soft hair.

This is my first masquerade ball and I didn’t know what to expect. But I did know one thing—that I wanted to dance with Mia tonight. She was ignoring me for the past few days and as much as it hurt me, I understood why.

Because the kiss confused her. It confused me, too. Our whole relationship was—still is—confusing. But it feels so right, too.

I took a risk by asking her to dance. But I couldn’t ignore whatever was happening between us. And I needed to know if she was completely done with me. I told myself that if she wanted me out of her life, then I’d leave. Even if it hurt.

So I went over to her and held out my hand. My heart stopped pumping in those few seconds before she accepted. I don’t think she has any idea how happy I am with her in my arms right now.

“I didn’t have a chance to say this before,” I whisper, my mouth close to her ear. “But you look beautiful tonight.”

Her head slowly lifts and she stares into my eyes. “But you can’t see my face.”

“I don’t need to see your face to know the truth. And your dress is very pretty, too.”

She glances down at herself. “Not many people can pull this off,” she jokes.

I place my hands on either of her face, gazing into her eyes. “No, they can’t.”

“I was just kidding. Anyone would look good in this dress.”

“I wasn’t kidding. There’s only one Mia Park and she’s the most beautiful girl here tonight.”

Her eyes widen as she searches my eyes. “That can’t…I mean…”

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that in my eyes, you’re the only person here. Everyone else is background noise.”

She still continues to stare at me, as if she doesn’t know what to say. I lift my finger and rub her bottom lip. I wish I could kiss her. I want to more than anything in the world. But we’re in public, and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. And anyway, she might not like it.

I move my hand to her cheek, give her a smile, and say, “I want to tell you something, but I don’t want to scare you away.”

She frowns. “Yeah, I do run away a lot, don’t I? I’m really sorry I pushed you away. I was just…”

“I told you that you don’t have to apologize or explain. I think I get it.”

“You do?”

Nodding, I look into her eyes again. “Because I feel the same way.” I dip my face so my mouth is inches from hers. “I like you, Mia Park,” I whisper. “I have for a while now. It’s exciting, but scary, too. That’s why you were avoiding me, right?”

Again, she stares at me, deeply into my eyes, her own filling with so many emotions. Reaching up slowly, she rests her hand on my cheek. “I like you, too, Declan. I like you a lot. And yeah…” She lowers her eyes to my chest. “It is scary and exciting and confusing, but…”

“But what?”

With her eyes still on my chest, she mutters, “I was avoiding you because I was embarrassed about what happened on Wednesday.”

I lift both brows. “You were embarrassed that you kissed me? Because of what happened on the set of The Beat of My Heart?”

“No. Because I, um…attacked you.”

I chuckle. “Attacked me?”

“Well…yeah…I was all over you…”

I laugh again as I pull her close. My mouth is at her ear again as I say, “Maybe I wanted to be attacked by you.”


“I have strong feelings for you, Mia. You’re so special and nice and fun and—”