He thrusts me toward her, though the rest of them keep their arms around me. “That shall teach you not to run around with the enemy.” He nods at another soldier, who tosses him a large knife. “Slice her throat and perhaps you will be forgiven.”
I shake my head. “I’d sooner die than kill her.”
He propels me closer to her, forcing the knife into my hand. A few soldiers point guns at me in case I do something stupid, like try to stab one of them.
“This isn’t a choice. Kill her now, nice and slow. I want to see the life drain out of her.”
Mia, looking terrified, stares at me and I stare at her. I try to nod to her that everything will be okay, even though I know it won’t be. I need to be strong for her.
“William,” she whispers, tears filling her eyes.
I swallow back my own tears. “Scarlett,” I whisper.
The guard pushes me. “Kill her!”
I try to thrash and shove them off me, but they’re too strong. William is a pretty buff guy, but he’s no match for this many guards.
“I will not,” I tell them. “Kill me and spare her. Let her escape. She has done nothing to you.”
“Kill her!” the leader of the guards yells at me.
“I will not.” I drop the knife
“If you won’t kill her…” One of the soldiers holding Scarlett pulls out his fist, pretending it’s a knife. He rams it into Scarlett, so deeply I can feel it in my bones.
Mia keeps her eyes on me as she slowly falls to the floor of the stage, the blood pouring out of her.
“No!” I release a loud and bitter cry that would shatter windows if this wasn’t a cave. It’s so loud and shocking that the soldiers let go of me.
Rushing over to Mia, I get down on my knees and sweep her into my arms. “Scarlett,” I whisper as I hold her close to me, pressing my cheek to hers as tears spill down my cheeks. “Scarlett, my love.”
“William…” Her voice is weak as she gazes into my eyes. Tears slide down the sides of her face. “It’s all right, William,” she struggles to say. “Don’t cry.” She tries to lift her hand to rid my tears, but she’s too weak to move.
“Scarlett, don’t leave me,” I beg as her eyes flutter shut. “Please don’t leave me. Scarlett!”
As William continues to wail in pure agony, the surrounding soldiers stare at each other. It’s at this moment that they realize all the pain and hardship they have endured over the years. They never saw a love so raw and powerful as the love between William and Scarlett. Watching him grieve over her makes them understand their terrible mistake. These two young people weren’t harming anyone. Their only crime was falling in love.
They quickly send for help and manage to save Scarlett in time. The play ends with both The World Above and The Underground putting their differences aside and living together in peace in a new world. Which is what Scarlett and William wanted all along.
In the last scene, Scarlett is well and strong and she runs into William’s arms. I wrap my arms around Mia, holding her close and telling her over and over how happy I am that she’s okay.
I stroke her cheek with my fingers. “Scarlett, there are no words to convey how strong my love is for you,” I whisper, cupping her cheek and staring into her eyes. “I cannot breathe without you near me. You are my sun, my moon, and my stars.”
Mia hesitates, shaking her head and taking a deep breath.
“It’s okay, Mia, take your time,” Tori says. “This is a very pivotal scene and we want to get it right.”
“Sorry, I’ve got this,” she says.
Taking another deep breath, she tangles her fingers in William’s long hair. I’ll be wearing a wig during the play. Staring into my eyes, she whispers, “William, I was an empty vessel before I met you. You have shown me the beauty of the world and in people. My love for you is as vast as the ocean, as powerful as a hurricane, as boisterous as thunder. You are my forever.”
I press my forehead to hers. “We have changed the world, Scarlett,” I whisper. “No longer will females be frightened of weapons and no longer will males distrust females. There is a bright future ahead of us, my love, and I wish to spend every moment with you.”
She smiles. “I wish to spend every moment with you as well. I love you, my dear William.”
I dip my head to give her a passionate kiss, but Mia backs away. “Okay, end scene,” she says. “We’ll practice this kiss another time, okay? It’s a bit…I mean…That was intense, right?” She tucks some hair behind her ear as she avoids me.