It’s obvious what’s been on my mind since rehearsal yesterday. The kiss.
True it was just acting, but it didn’t feel fake at all. The way Mia’s lips moved over mine, so sweet, and warm. So perfect. The most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life.
She’s the only person I’ve kissed, so I don’t have anyone to compare it to. But I don’t need to compare it with anyone. Because it was out of this world.
At the back of my mind, I remember our first kiss, the one that sucked. This one was on a whole other level. Another dimension. My cheeks haven’t stopped hurting because I keep smiling as I relive every single detail.
What would it be like to kiss her again?
I’d like to kiss her again—for real, not because of a movie or a play. Would she like to kiss me, too?
“Declan!” a voice shouts.
It takes me a second to remember where I am. At school on Wednesday morning and not at rehearsal yesterday.
A few girls down the hallway wave me over, wide smiles on their faces. As I make my way to them, my eyes scan around, searching for a certain beautiful girl with dark hair and brown eyes who makes my heart thump. She’s chatting with her friends, her books pressed to her chest. I want to go over to her, smile, tell her I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. Could that kiss—that amazing kiss that makes me feel like I’m floating—change something between us?
“Declan!” The girls gather around me, each telling me something that happened, or a scene they saw on TV. Some ask for selfies and autographs. As I oblige, I can’t stop myself from staring at Mia. And remembering how awesome it felt to kiss her. Just to be with her, really.
Once the girls are satisfied with their selfies and autographs, I excuse myself with a pleasant smile and head down the hallway to Mia and her friends. Zoey notices me coming and taps Mia’s shoulder.
Mia turns her head, and just as I’m about to wave with a huge smile, her eyes widen and she twists around. She leads her friends away from the area and to Mrs. Hastings’s class.
I stop in my tracks, my forehead furrowed. Maybe she didn’t see me coming? No, that’s silly. Zoey pointed her out to me and she’s purposely…what? Avoiding me? Why?
Or maybe she was in a rush? Did she figure I’d hold her back from going to wherever she needed to go? That must be it. We have so much fun together and sometimes get so carried away that she was worried she’d be late.
With a nod, I smile to myself and get my books from my locker. A few kids chat with me, but I’m mostly left to my thoughts as I go to my first class.
Mia’s at her usual seat, and I stop by her and her friends. “Hey, Mia, Zoey, Rylee, Mason, and Kade. How’s it going?”
Her friends exchange glances with her. Mason smiles. “Hi, Declan. Things are going well. How about you?”
“Great.” My eyes move to Mia, but her focus is on her lap. She’s chewing her lip and it looks like she’s doing whatever she can not to look at me.
So…I was right. She is avoiding me. She didn’t have somewhere she needed to run off to. She’s purposely ignoring me.
“Um, so…” I push my fingers through my hair. “Book club today, huh?”
They nod, glancing at Mia and then at me. “Yep, book club,” Rylee says with a bright smile. “We’re really looking forward to it. Right, guys?”
“Yeah,” Zoey says. “Really looking forward to it.”
Kade nods. “Best part of my day.”
I look at Mia, but she still doesn’t glance my way. This odd sensation stabs my stomach, something I’ve never felt before. It’s not a good feeling. Actually, it’s pretty rotten.
I clear my throat, forcing a grin. “Right. I’ll see you guys later.”
As I walk away, I hear Rylee and Zoey hiss at her, “Mia! That was so awkward and uncomfortable. Are you going to avoid him forever?”
I turn around to hear her response, but she just continues to stare at her lap, biting her lip.
That’s pretty much how the day carries on. Mia avoids me in all the classes we share together, keeps her distance when we nearly collide in the hallway, and won’t even acknowledge me when one of our teachers tells us she’s really looking forward to the play.
By lunchtime, I get my food and walk over to Mia’s table. Maybe she has something on her mind and that’s why she’s being so rude to me.