“How am I going to show my face at school tomorrow? How am I going to face the cast and crew and Miss Lane?” I bury my face in my pillow. “How am I going to face him?”

“Mia, can you please tell us what happened?” Zoey asks. “You’re freaking us out.”

I need a genie to grant me a wish. To turn back time so I could control myself before I…ugh!

“Mia?” Zoey asks.

With a sigh, I turn over on my bed and squint at the light one of them must have turned on. “I made a total idiot of myself. Again.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Zoey says. “You tend to blow things out of proportion sometimes.”

I purse my lips. It’s true that I do get carried away sometimes, but this is completely different.

“Did this thing happen during rehearsal?” Rylee asks me.

I nod.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah, but…I can’t. It’s too mortifying.”

Zoey rubs my shoulder again. “If you feel comfortable telling us, we’re here. You know we’d never judge you.”

“Of course I know that. I just…” I puff out my cheeks. “I want to pretend it didn’t happen. But it did. Ugh.” I cover my face.

My best friends wait patiently as I gain control of my emotions—ha! As if I can get control. But I eventually lower my hands and say, “Miss Lane wanted us to rehearse the kiss scene today.”

They gape at me. “The kiss scene?” Rylee asks.

“The very one. Where Declan and I had to…” I motion kissing with my lips because I can’t say the words.

“And…how did it go?” Zoey asks.

I groan and cover my face again.

“It’s okay, Mia.” Zoey rubs my arm again. “We know you had problems kissing Declan before and—”

With my hands still pressed to my face, I shake my head. “No, no, no. You think it was bad, right? That Declan and I had a horrible kiss again. But it wasn’t bad at all. It was good. Far too good.” My face feels like an inferno when the memory plays in my head. Like it’s done for the past few hours. It refuses to leave my brain.

“Wait, wait, wait.” Rylee puts her hands on mine and gently drags them off my face. Both of them stare at me in total bafflement. “What do you mean the kiss was good?”

I sit up. “I mean that it was good, guys. Like one of the best things I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“So what’s the problem?” Zoey asks.

With another groan, I smash my face into my pillow and say in a muffled voice, “Because I attacked him like some uncivilized female who never saw a man before in her life.”

“Which is perfect for your character!” Rylee says.

I lift my head to give her a look. “Not funny.” With my face back in my pillow, I say, “I was all over him. My lips refused to leave his. Miss Lane called multiple times for us to stop, but my brain refused to listen. Until she had to go on stage and physically force us away from each other.”

I reach around for Lady Bunny and squish her to my chest. Where’s the genie?

“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Zoey says. “You’re upset that you had a good kiss scene?”

“It was so embarrassing how I couldn’t stop kissing him! It’s like I was so shocked that the kiss was good that my body didn’t know how to let go. And it was so awkward after that. I couldn’t look at Declan and I ran out the second Miss Lane dismissed us. He probably thinks I’m such a loser.”

“Of course he doesn’t,” Rylee says. “Declan isn’t like that.”