Do I have to? Please, please, please, tell me I don’t have to. There’s time to rehearse the…the…the scene later. Like maybe next week? How about a week before opening night? That’s good enough, isn’t it? After all, it’s just my lips smashing against his lips…
“Mia?” Miss Lane stretches her neck to look at me. “Your scene.”
Every single person in the auditorium stares at me. Including Declan. With my cheeks on fire, I force myself out of my seat and march on to the stage, every part of me shaking.
“And Declan, please wait backstage.”
Declan nods and gets out of his seat. His body doesn’t quake as he climbs the stairs and goes backstage. He seems totally cool and collected. If he’s not nervous about it, why am I? I guess…I guess this doesn’t mean much to him. I don’t mean much to him.
Well, other than a friend.
But that’s good, right? I can kiss a friend…
“Mia, are you okay?” Miss Lane asks.
I blink. “What?”
“Are you okay? Do you need a minute?”
“I’m fine! Totally fine.”
“Okay, great. So in this scene, a few guards are chasing after Scarlett. Mia, you run into the cave you were hiding in while you remained in the World Above. You and William have been secretly meeting in this cave as well.”
I nod. “Yeah, got it.”
The guys playing the soldiers sprint onto the stage and chase me around for a few minutes and then I dive behind bushes. The soldiers, with their guns drawn, search the area for a long time, but I manage to sneak away whenever they get too close. And when I believe the coast is clear, I make a mad dash to my secret hiding place—the cave.
Except, one of the soldiers spots me and motions for the others to follow me. I go as deep into the cave as I can and wrap my arms around my knees, burying my face in my knees and praying they don’t find me.
Sounds cause my head to snap up, and that’s when I realize my grave mistake. I led them right to me and trapped myself in here. With a silent yell, I try to go deeper into the cave, but it ends. There’s nowhere to escape to.
The soldiers finally catch up to me. The one in the front launches at me, grabbing me by the throat. “Female,” he sneers. “Thought you could sneak to The World Above? The ground will welcome your blood.”
Reaching into my pocket, my hand closes around the small knife William gave me a few weeks ago. As the soldier tightens his hand around my throat, and with the others chortling like this is an entertaining show, I ram my knife into his stomach. But the soldier anticipates my move and catches my hand before I can stab him, squeezing it tight and twisting it. I release a cry and lose my grip on the knife. It clatters to the ground.
The soldier guffaws. “I like your fire, female.” He draws me closer and whispers in my ear, “It’s a shame to kill you. Perhaps I should keep you as my little pet.”
“Get off me!” I choke out, trying to claw at his face or kick him with my legs. But all I’m doing is wearing myself out.
“Perhaps I will kill you,” the soldier concludes. “That’s sure to raise me in the ranks and provide me with a hefty bonus.” He presses his gun to my temple.
I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping this will be swift and painless.
Suddenly, there’s the sound of gunshots and something splatters all over my face. When my eyes shoot open, I find the soldiers in the back lying on the ground, their bodies full of bullets and bleeding to death. The soldier choking me spins around, and his brains get blasted, too, splattering more blood all over me. I fall down to my knees and lift my head, my heart ready to shoot out of my mouth.
William steps out of the shadows, looking down at me with worried and relieved eyes. His gun is smoking and blood covers his body.
“William,” I gasp.
“Scarlett,” he breathes.
He throws himself down to his knees and grabs my shoulders. “Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”
Still in disbelief, I glance around at all the dead, bloody bodies.
“Scarlett.” He gently shakes me. “Are you injured?”
Lifting my gaze back to his, I whisper. “I’m all right.” I stare at the bodies again. “You’ve killed them.”