I blink and force a smile. “Was great.”

We chat for a bit more before I go up to my room.

There are voices coming out of my brother’s room. It’s been a few days and he still hasn’t returned to his apartment because of the paint work. I don’t mind having him here—feels like when I was little and he was always around. I think he doesn’t really like being here because our parents are all up in his business.

His bedroom door is open and as I pass, I find him video chatting with someone. A woman. His ex-girlfriend, Victoria.

Hmm. That’s weird. Why would he be talking to his ex? They haven’t contacted each other since she moved away from Alabama a few years ago.

Chase must feel me loitering in his doorway because he turns around. “Hey, Deck. Come here and say hi to Tori.”

I step into the room and smile as I wave to Tori. I haven’t seen her in years. She looks the same, but older and maybe a bit sad and lonely. I’m not sure exactly how they broke up or who ended it. Chase doesn’t really talk about her. That’s why the two of them chatting right now is very odd. Are they thinking about getting back together? Not sure how the long distance would work, but Chase hasn’t been the same since they went their separate ways.

“Hi, Declan,” Tori greets. “Oh my. It’s been so long. The last time I saw you, you were a little kid and now you’re practically a man.”

I brush some fingers through my hair, chuckling lightly. “Thanks. It’s so good to see you.”


I raise my brow at my brother, trying to get a hint of why they’re suddenly chatting. Chase laughs awkwardly. “I was cleaning up my room and came across my high school yearbook. I saw Tori’s name and I figured I’d call and catch up.”

That’s not the vibe I’m getting. Something tells me he saw her picture, thought of their great years together, missed her, and wanted to catch up. And maybe he hopes things will move on from there? But it’s none of my business.

Tori stares at me like she’s never seen me before. “I just can’t get over how grown up you are, Deck. You’re quite the hottie. I bet girls can’t get enough of you.”

Laughing, I place my hands in my pockets. “I don’t know about that.”

She laughs, too. “So tell me how it’s going. How’s life treating you?”

I sigh. “Could be better, I guess. I’m not doing so well with auditions and I’m not getting any roles.”

Her smile drops. “I’m so sorry to hear that. But I’m sure you’ll get roles soon.”

I shrug. “I’m not so sure, but thanks for your support.”

She smiles. “I’ve always supported your dreams and believed in you.”

“I remember.”

She was over at our house so often when they were in high school that the house felt empty every time she left.

She squints at me. “Wait a minute…you used to do theater, right?”

“Yeah, I performed in my middle school plays back home and in our local theater. Why do you ask?”

Her face glows with excitement, like a light bulb has gone off in her head. “This has to be fate. Okay, so hear me out. Since you’re not busy and don’t have any current work or engagements…I have a proposition for you.”

Chapter Six


“Did you guys get a notification from the school app about an assembly?” Rylee asks at my locker on Monday morning. “We’re supposed to go to the auditorium instead of first period.”

“Yep,” Zoey says. “What do you think it’s about?”

“No clue,” I say. “Maybe bullying? They do that every year.”

“Sucks it’ll take place during Ally’s class,” Rylee says. “Why can’t we miss my psychology class?”