Declan tries to hide a super excited smile. “I think mine might burst, too.”
“This is the fine work of Mia the Matchmaker and Declan the Deliverer.”
“The Deliverer?”
“Yeah. I came up with the idea and you made it happen.”
He holds out his fist. “We both made it happen.”
I bump his fist, trying not to squeal with happiness. Wow, it feels so good to make people happy. I know I might be jumping the gun, as Declan said, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so sure about anything in my life.
“Attention, everyone!” Miss Lane calls, her face still radiant. I swear her voice sounds like it’s dancing. “I want to rehearse the kiss scene today. Everyone who is involved in Act Three, please be ready.”
I go still in my seat, feeling the color drain from my face. Did she just say she wants to rehearse the…kiss scene?
Oh my gosh…
But I’m not ready! I didn’t mentally prepare for this. Doesn’t she get that the last time Declan and I kissed…
Is this the reward I get for bringing her back to her possible soulmate?
I put her in a good mood. A romantic mood. And now she wants to rehearse the kiss scene. How did I not anticipate this?
I slowly peek at Declan. He’s also sitting still in his seat, swallowing a few times. When he turns his head in my direction, I quickly look away. How am I going to do this???
Couldn’t Miss Lane have sent a warning text or email? She can’t just spring it on us like that!
But…I’m supposed to be professional.
I’m so not professional.
I need to be professional.
“Let’s start with Act Three, Scene One,” Miss Lane says. “Two patrolmen are following a report that a female was spotted in the World Above. Jeremy and Joaquin, please come on stage.”
My heart is hammering. I think I might faint. Maybe throw up. Perhaps both?
When I take another peek at Declan, he seems calm. He’s not freaking out like I am. Why isn’t he freaking out? Or am I the weirdo for freaking out?
It’s just a kiss. We’ve done it before. True it was a disaster, but we both survived. I will survive this, too.
But things were different then. We’re friends now. What if it’s a disaster again? Will Declan and I no longer be friends?
Oh my gosh, Mia. Get a grip.
“I have heard reports of a female spotting,” Jeremy says. “Our orders are to be extra vigilant and report immediately if we notice suspicious activity.” He pins his eyes on one of the entrances to The Underground, where they suspect the female has snuck in from.
Joaquin snorts. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a rumor. They claim we’ve grown lax in our posts. They just want to keep us occupied.”
Jeremy shakes his head. “I think the report is more serious than that. Do you want to miss the female on your watch? You know the consequences we may face.”
Joaquin sighs as he fixates on the entrance and positions his imaginary gun.
Jeremy walks around and then grabs his gun. “Female spotted!” he yells. “Female spotted!” He rings the bell.
“Great!” Miss Lane says. “Mia, please step on stage.”