A huge grin takes over his face. “My brother asked Tori out last night. And she said yes!”
I stop walking and gape at him. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.” He gives me details of how it happened, how he convinced Chase to let go of his worries and give their relationship a second chance.
“So…we did it?” I ask.
“We did it.”
“This is the best news ever!” I fling my arms around him and hug him tight. With a laugh, Declan spins me around, his strong yet gentle arms clutching me securely. I’m engulfed in his warmth and scent, and everything that makes Declan Declan. I press my face to his chest and feel him dig his nose between my neck and shoulder. My heart pounds in a way it’s never pounded before, every hair on my body standing on edge.
His arms tighten around me, drawing me even closer to his body. I’ve hugged many people in my lifetime, many guys in my lifetime, but none have compared to this. This is just…perfect.
I don’t want to remove myself from his arms. Ever.
I have no idea how long we remain like this. It feels like time stands still.
“You’re a really good hugger,” he murmurs.
“That’s what my friends tell me.”
He doesn’t remove his arms from around me. Doesn’t step back. As though he doesn’t want the hug to end, either.
Someone shouts, “Can you sign my cast, Declan?” and pops the bubble I’m in. Declan stumbles away from me at the same time I stumble away from him, his hands releasing me and leaving me cold.
He gives me an awkward smile, which I return, and turns to the guy who stands there with his arm in a cast. I rub my arms, trying to chase away the chill that has taken over my body. I don’t remember it being cold before the hug…
I continue my trek to the auditorium and drop down in a seat in the front, trying not to think about that perfect hug. Even though all I want to do is close my eyes and replay every little detail. Like how hard his chest felt and how his arms were strong and protective but also gentle, like he was holding something precious. And how I felt his heart beat…
No. I need to stop obsessing. It was just a hug.
“That was weird.” Declan lowers himself in the seat next to me.
“It was?” I ask, dread filling every part of me. I didn’t think the hug was weird. I thought it was the best thing I ever experienced. Did he feel like he was hugging a human-sized toad?
“He asked me to write a note to the girl he has a crush on. He thinks it might help him ask her out on a date, since apparently she’s a huge fan of mine.”
“Wouldn’t it be weird if she turned him down? He’d have to walk around with that note on his cast for weeks, constantly being reminded of the fact that she said no. But I guess if she said yes, it could be a symbol of their love.”
“Oh! You’re talking about the cast dude.”
His brows come together. “Yeah. What did you think I was talking about?”
My cheeks flame. “Nothing!”
I guess the hug didn’t mean much to him. Just a normal hug from any other person.
“Good afternoon, my lovely students!” Miss Lane’s voice booms throughout the auditorium as she walks inside. “It’s a fine day for rehearsal, isn’t it? The sun is shining, making it a beautiful winter day, I heard some birds chirping, and I heard the weather will be on the warmer side for the rest of the week.”
She hums as she lowers herself in her usual seat.
I keep my eyes on her for a few seconds, my lips stretching into a smile, and poke my elbow into Declan. “Look at her!” I whisper. “She’s in such a good mood. She’s glowing.”
Declan leans back to look past me at Miss Lane. His face softens with a smile. “She really is glowing. That’s awesome.”
“I’d say Operation Love Birds was a major success!” I continue to whisper. “Ooh, I hope the date goes well and they hit it off—again. I hope they end up together and live happily ever after. I think my heart might burst with happiness.”