“Can I walk you home?” he asks. “Or maybe…do you want to do something?”

“Like what?”

He shrugs. “We have to pretend to be at a party, right? So maybe we can go to the park or something.”


It’s a bit too cold to be outside, but neither of us cares. We go on the swings and talk about the play, CE, and our favorite movies and TV shows. He’s not much of a TV person and prefers movies. I’m okay with either.

“Thrillers are my favorite,” he tells me. “They keep me in suspense. Back in Alabama, I was once hanging out with my friends and I was so tired I thought I’d fall asleep as soon as we started the movie. But it kept me awake for hours and we even watched another movie.”

“You probably miss your friends so much.”

He nods as he swings a bit. “Yeah, I do. But we game practically every night, so it’s all good. They’re very happy and proud that I’m following my dream.”

I smile. “They sound like great friends.”

“They are. Your friends are amazing, too.”

“The best in the world. Do you think you’ll ever move back to Alabama?”

He holds up his hands like he’s not sure. “We visit often because my grandparents live there, but in terms of moving back? I don’t know. My parents might once I’m an adult and am living on my own, but I’ll probably stay in L.A. What about you?”

“I’ll live in L.A. when I have a job and live in Edenbury when I’m between jobs.”

He smiles. “Maybe we’ll see each other around.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

We’re quiet as we swing. Is he thinking about how close we were earlier? Because I sure can’t get it out of my head.

We remain in the park for a bit longer before we decide to “leave the party.” Declan offers to walk me home.

“Hmm. Maybe you are a gentleman after all.”

He bows dramatically. “Yes, m’lady.”

It’s nice walking just the two of us. We talk about so many topics and I feel like it’s never enough. We could go on for hours.

He’s so attentive, doesn’t get irritated or annoyed when I go into many details or when I overdramatize everything.

He really does get me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that phone call all weekend. The one where Chase was talking to Quentin on Friday and Mia and I walked in. A producer showed interest in hiring me for a movie, but he ultimately chose someone else. I was really hopeful and looking forward to getting back out there, but it seems that the Universe has other plans.

I was bummed, but focusing on Operation Love Birds quickly threw my worries out the window. It was fun trying to get Chase and Tori together. I felt like Mia and I were making progress. But unfortunately, Chase hasn’t asked Tori out yet. I doubt they contacted each other much.

Their lack of communication and my lack of jobs weren’t the only things on my mind all weekend. I haven’t been able to get the memory of Mia and me practically fused together behind that tree at Mikey’s out of my head. Her body was so soft and warm, her arms so perfect as they wrapped around my waist.

My heart pounded each time she looked into my eyes. It’s never pounded like that before, and I don’t really know what it means. But…I wouldn’t mind holding her in my arms again.

“Declan!” A voice tears me out of my thoughts.

Blinking, I remember it’s Monday morning and I’m at school. The halls are bustling with kids catching up with their friends or getting their books from their lockers.