He chuckles again.
Is it weird that I love hearing him laugh? Maybe because I don’t hear it often.
We reach the bus and settle down in our seats. One by one, the rest of the students start to return. Once everyone is here, Mr. Ortiz announces that we’re going for pizza.
Every single person on the bus cheers.
“Is it Barnie’s?” someone shouts.
“Barnie’s! Barnie’s!” the kids chant.
“Yes, it’s Barnie’s!” Mr. Ortiz says.
Everyone cheers even more.
Chapter Twenty-Four
After we eat pizza, our group returns to the buses. Zoey lowers herself near the window and I drop down next to her.
Turning her head, she smiles at me. “Fun day, huh?”
My lips kick up in a grin. “Sure was. Never knew there was so much history here.”
“Yep.” She holds up her bag of apples with a light laugh. “I wonder what Ally will do with all these apples.”
I glance at my bag sitting between us on the seat. “Probably went a bit overboard.”
“Everyone did. I think we had more fun picking the apples than wanting to eat them.”
“You might be right.”
My thoughts wander to a little while ago, when I put my arms around her waist and lifted her to pick that out-of-reach apple. She felt…good in my arms. I’m not sure I’m supposed to feel this way—is there a right way to feel? I didn’t lie when I told her I liked being near her. I do enjoy her company. She’s the first person, other than her aunt and uncle, to see me as more than just a messed-up kid.
The bus is very noisy as everyone gathers inside. Then Mr. Ortiz takes attendance, and once he’s sure everyone is accounted for, the bus driver pulls out of the parking lot.
Zoey and I are quiet, each busy with our thoughts, and I wonder what she’s thinking about. Is she replaying the events at the orchard over and over in her head like I am? Did she feel anything? My hands tingled when they closed around her waist, and I nearly dropped her from shock. That has never happened to me before.
Zoey leans her head on the window. “Can’t hear myself think because it’s so noisy,” she groans.
So she is thinking. From the look on her face, I can’t figure out what’s on her mind. Her cheeks aren’t flushed, which means she might not be thinking about me at all. Then again, I have no idea if she blushes. I don’t know her well.
She lifts her head off the window. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I bend close to her. “Thanks for today.”
“What do you mean?”
I spend a few seconds gazing into her eyes before looking away. “For…being my buddy.”
Her smile is wide. “Of course. Thanks for being mine.”
I return her smile. “Today wouldn’t have been enjoyable if not for you.”
“Oh, um...thanks, but I’m sure that’s not true.” Her cheeks are slightly red.
Lifting my hand, I tuck some loose strands of hair behind her ear. Her hair is so soft, silkier than I thought it’d feel. My finger wants to move toward her cheek, but I drop my hand. I glance around the bus, pretending to be busy watching everyone else to try to ease this awkwardness and confusing feelings.