“Stop it, both of you. Or I’m ending the call.”

“Okay, okay. Sorry. We’re just teasing you,” Mia says.

“I know,” I mutter.

“Speaking of guys…what’s up with Kade?” Rylee asks.

“Kade? Who’s Kade?”

“You’re new housemate?” Rylee reminds me.

“Oh, him. Yeah, I’m pretending he doesn’t exist.”

Mia’s eyes grow huge. “Why? What happened?”

I frown at my door, as though I’m frowning at him. “I’m here for less than three hours and he already ticked me off.” I turn my attention back to my friends. “He and I fought over the shower. The jerk pushed ahead of me, which was so rude. Everyone knows it’s common decency to offer the other person to use the shower first.”

“No chivalry for this guy, huh?” Rylee says.

“Not an ounce. Ugh! Living with him is going to be my worst nightmare. I’ve never met such a huge jerk like him. I wish I could move in with one of you.”

“Maybe you guys just need time to adjust,” Mia suggests. “Maybe it won’t be so bad after a few days.”

I shake my head with a scowl. “I highly doubt it. No, I’m counting the days until my uncle finds him a permanent place and he’s gone from my life.” I snap my lips shut when I realize what just came out of my mouth. “Oh, gosh. That was so mean. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just so…ugh, I don’t know!”

“It’s okay,” Rylee says with a sympathetic smile. “We know you didn’t mean it.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s not easy living with a stranger. You guys don’t have to be best friends or anything. Just stay out of each other’s way and everything will be okay.”

Now I sigh dramatically. “I hope you’re right.”

Chapter Eight


I don’t know what’s bothering me.

I’m sitting on my bed, trying to finish Jane Eyre, but I can’t concentrate. It’s like I can’t get how I treated Zoey out of my head. Normally, I don’t give a crap what others think of me. But for some reason, it’s different with her. First I lower my guard and blurt something that should have stayed locked in my heart and now I feel bad that I was a jerk to her?


Shrugging, I force myself to forget about it and focus on finishing this book. Nothing is sticking in my head, though. Ally will give us a quiz on the plot and themes and all that tomorrow and I have no idea how this book ends because my thoughts are a mess.

Gritting my teeth, I toss the book aside and cross my arms over my chest. Staring at the floor, I try to come up with different excuses why I’m feeling this way. But I can’t come up with anything. Many people have called me a jerk throughout the years, yet her saying it bothers me?

I should have let her take a shower first. I guess I wanted to mess with her or something. I don’t know.

Sighing, I bend forward, plowing my fingers through my hair.

I tell myself I’m just confused because of the new housing arrangement. But as I grab the book and try to continue reading, the odd sensation doesn’t go away. I might not have hurt Zoey physically, but I was still a jerk to her. If we’re going to be living together—at least for a short while—we should probably get off on the right foot.

Sliding out from under my blanket, I make my way to my door. Before I change my mind, I close my fingers over the doorknob, twist it open, and step into the hallway. It’s pretty quiet up here. I hear Ally and Zack chatting downstairs, though I can’t hear what they’re saying. It’s not my business anyway.

I head over to Zoey’s room and lift my hand to knock on the door, but stop when I hear my name. Sounds like she’s video chatting with her friends. Her words are low because of the thick wood, but once I press my ear to the door, I can make out what Zoey is saying.

“Living with him is going to be my worst nightmare…I’m counting the days until my uncle finds him a permanent place and he’s gone from my life.”

Backing away from the door, I stare at it. She wants me gone. Probably wishes I’d disappear from the face of the Earth. So much for trying to do the right thing by apologizing.