
A few days have passed and I’m packing to move in with Aunt Ally and Uncle Zack.

Mom walks into my room, carrying a load of laundry, and sits down on my bed, next to where my open suitcase lies. “Don’t forget your favorite pajamas.” She plucks them out of the pile, folds them, and then places them in my suitcase. They’re white and have football designs. It was a gift from Uncle Brayden for my birthday.

“Thanks. I hope I’m not forgetting anything.”

“You can always come back home to get whatever you need,” she reminds me as I squeeze in another pair of socks. “It’s not like you’ll be living in another hemisphere.”

I laugh. “True. Are you all packed?”

“I think so. I still have last-minute small things to add.” She gets up and checks my closet and drawers to make sure I didn’t forget anything. “Looks like you’re all set. Do you want me to make you a quick snack before we head to Ally and Zack’s?”

“That’s okay. I just have to add some of my books and I’m good to go.”

After gathering my favorite adventure books, I place them in my suitcase and zip it shut. Then Mom calls down to Dad to help carry my suitcase downstairs. It’s not humongous because it’s basically just my clothes and school stuff, but it’s still pretty heavy.

“I guess this is a preview of what it will be like when you go off to college,” Dad says as he wheels my suitcase to the door. “I’m so happy that’s not the case because your mom would be a mess.”

Mom playfully puts her hands on her hips. “I’d be a mess? Didn’t you just tell me the other day that we should invest in a time machine so the kids could stay with us forever?”


She playfully rolls her eyes at me, and we both chuckle.

I grab my backpack and follow Mom and Dad down the stairs and out the door. After Dad loads my suitcase into the trunk, we get in the car and Mom pulls out of the driveway.

“I’m going to miss you to bits, kid,” she tells me as she drives toward Uncle Zack and Aunt Ally’s house. “Please text us updates on what’s going on in your life. We don’t want to miss anything.”


“Ally promised to video call us during your games so we could watch them live,” Dad says. “And she’ll record the ones we miss. We’ll be with you even when we’re thousands of miles away.”

I smile. “Thanks. Are you guys going to buy me something special from New Zealand?”

Dad turns around in the passenger seat. “Do you want a kiwi bird plush?”

“A stuffed animal? No, thanks. But a kiwi bird keychain or a New Zealand T-shirt would be cool.”

“Request granted,” Mom says. “Now we’ll have to figure out what to buy for your brother.”

I wave my hand. “Just buy him another shark model. Or maybe another 3D shark puzzle. Remember how he and Lexi spent hours trying to put together the tiger shark?”

“And then Lexi accidentally knocked it off the table and they had to start from scratch,” Dad says.

“Where is it, anyway? I don’t remember seeing it in his room.”

“I think Brock gave it to Lexi,” Mom says.

My brother and Lexi used to be best friends. The two of them were inseparable. Unfortunately, Brock shut out all of his friends when he left Edenbury to live with my grandparents.

“Well, here we are,” Mom announces as she pulls into my aunt and uncle’s driveway.

After Dad grabs my suitcase from the trunk, we ring the bell. The door opens a few seconds later to reveal Aunt Ally. “Hi!” She throws one arm around Mom and the other around Dad. “When was the last time I saw you guys? At last Friday’s game. Why does it feel like forever?”

“I know, right?” Mom says with a laugh. “We live so close to one another and never seem to find time to hang out outside of football games.”

“Good thing I get to see your amazing daughter every day.” She smiles and envelops me in her arms. “Zack and I are so happy to have you live with us, Zoey. We want you to treat our home as though it’s your own, okay?” She pulls back and plays with my hair. “Don’t be afraid to ask us for whatever you need. Your mom and dad have already given me the recipes for your favorite foods, and I added all of your favorite snacks and drinks to the shopping list. Zack will hopefully go shopping tomorrow.”