I’m about to say something, but footsteps sound in the hallway. With wide eyes, Kade and I push away from each other. But the footsteps die down as the person goes down the stairs.
Kade slides me onto his lap, closing his arms around me. He presses his face in my hair, murmuring how much I mean to him and how I’ve changed his life.
“For so long, I felt like I didn’t have a future,” he says. “Life looked so bleak. But it’s not bleak anymore. I have you, I have so many people who love me and want to be there for me. My parents will always be with me, no matter what I do or where I go.” He smiles. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
I return the smile as I rub his cheek. “You are. And I’m the luckiest girl because I have you.”
We make out for a while. If this is what a future with Kade looks like, then we both are the luckiest people in the world.
“Saved you seats, lovebirds,” Rylee teases the next day as she and Mason wave Kade and me over. It’s the night of the school play and we’ve all been looking forward to it for weeks. Mia’s been a wreck all day, freaking out that she won’t perform well tonight. But we all assured her that she’s amazing and will knock it out of the park.
“Thanks,” I say as Kade and I sit down. “This is so exciting. Mia will be incredible.”
Rylee, Mason, and Kade nod. Kade and I are holding hands because we can’t seem to let each other go. Just like yesterday. Dad had to practically force Kade out of the house because we didn’t want to be separated from each other. My parents understand what we mean to each other because they were the exact same way. They’re so happy and thrilled for us. I think Mom is secretly ecstatic that I’ve fallen in love.
Rylee, Mason, Kade, and I chat and look through the playbill until the play starts. The lights dim and the crowd claps.
From her first line, Mia captivates the audience. She’s such an amazing actor that everyone is on the edge of their seats. Of course the rest of the cast is spectacular as well. The play is so wonderful I don’t want it to end.
Mia is so confident, feeding off the good vibes from the audience. She was so scared she wouldn’t be able to portray her character well, but she’s wonderful. The crowd laughs, cries, and feels the pain of the characters.
Wow. I always knew Mia was a great actor, but she’s really outdoing herself tonight.
Her parents and the rest of the Musketeers are in the front row, and even though I can’t see the looks on their faces, I can feel how proud they are.
When it sadly comes to an end, the audience goes wild. Mia has such a wide grin on her face as she and her cast mates take bows at the curtain call.
The four of us, along with her parents and the Musketeers, rush backstage to congratulate her on her magnificent performance.
After she exchanges hugs and kisses with her parents and the rest of the Musketeers, she’s in our arms, thanking us for coming and for all our support.
“See,” I tell her with a smile, “you had nothing to worry about.”
“You totally embodied the character,” Rylee gushes. “Like, I really felt for her.”
Mason and Kade compliment her as well.
Mia’s face shines. “Thanks so much! I know I freaked out over nothing, but I guess I’m dramatic sometimes.”
Rylee and I lift a brow. “Sometimes?” we tease.
She laughs. “The cast is hanging out at Mikey’s to celebrate. But we’re so meeting at my place for a second celebration.”
We agree, telling her we’ll see her later, and to have fun.
My parents are waiting to take me home, as are Ally and Zack to take Kade home. Our fingers are intertwined, our hands swinging.
“It’s so hard to part from you,” he says. “I’ll miss you.”
I lean forward to kiss him, not caring that we’re in public. “Me, too. But I’m not going anywhere. Like I told you a million times, I’m here for you.”
He smiles as he places his hands on either side of my face, staring into my eyes. “And I’m here for you. Always.”
His smile is filled with warmth as he bends and gives me a sweet kiss. I place my hand on the back of his head and kiss him deeply.
“Zoey!” Mom calls.