There’s so much more I want to say to her, but I think she gets it. That’s one of the things I love about her. That she can read into my heart without me having to say anything.

“I’ll see you soon,” I murmur to her as I caress her cheek with the back of my finger.

She holds onto my hand, smiling. “I’ll think about you all night.”

“I’ll think about you, too.” I give her one more kiss on the cheek before wishing her and the others good night and getting out of the car.

After waving goodbye, they drive off. I’m pretty sure I can see Mia and Rylee demanding answers from Zoey.

I smile as I watch the car turn the corner and disappear from view. The special moments with Zoey flash in my mind and my heart lifts. Things will only get better from here.

The smile doesn’t leave my face as I enter the house and hang up my jacket. It’s quiet, which is odd because Ally and Zack are usually watching something on TV at this hour.

“He’s home,” I hear Ally say from the kitchen.

A second later, she and Zack appear before me. They’re wearing expressions I’ve never seen before.

“Hi, Kade.” Zack’s smile seems forced and he has pain and regret in his eyes. “How was your night?”

“Was good.” More than good. Awesome. Amazing. Spectacular.

Ally smiles as she wraps an arm around me. Her arm is a bit shaky as she holds me tightly. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah…what’s up? Why are you guys looking at me like that?”

Ally and Zack exchange a look, the pain in their eyes growing. Zack gestures to the couch. “Come, sit down.”

I swallow as I follow them. Is something wrong with the fostering? Will I be forced to live in another home?

Ally and I sit side by side while Zack lowers himself on the chair next to me. He scoots over until he’s facing me. “Kade, there’s something I need to tell you. It won’t be easy, though.”

“I’m being sent away.”

Ally places her hand on my shoulder. “No, sweetie. That’s not it.” She and Zack look at each other again.

He takes a deep breath. “Kade, I’m sorry, but your mother passed away tonight.”

My heart stops pumping as I stare at him. “What?”

Ally’s arms come around me, squishing me to her side. “I’m so sorry, Kade. But she’s gone. We didn’t inform you right away because we didn’t want to ruin your wonderful night.”

I stare at the spot before me. My mom’s…gone?

“But how?” I ask.

Zack bends close to look into my eyes. “I think it was just her time.” He pats my shoulder in a loving way that makes my throat burn and tears gather in my eyes.

A small part of me was still hopeful that she’d get better. But now she’s gone forever.

“Talk to us, Kade,” Zack says. “We’re here for you.”

I look between him and his wife as my vision grows blurry. “I lost the last family member I had left,” I say in a low voice. “Why did she just leave me like that?”

Ally sighs as she continues squeezing me. “Maybe she was worried about you. But now that she saw that you’re happy and will be okay, she was able to move on.”

I think about her words. She might be right. After the shooting, I was a mess. So unhappy and full of pain. Maybe Mom wanted to stay in this world because she was concerned about me. But now that I have wonderful foster parents who care about me and a girl I’m falling in love with, she was able to leave this world in peace.

“At least she’s not suffering anymore,” I say. “She’s with Dad now. He won’t be alone.”