My heart aches for him. I make a move to put my arm around him, but he scoots a few inches away. “I’m sorry, Brock—”

“I was so excited for you to visit, you know. It might be lame to admit it, but I look up to you. You’re one of my heroes. But you always manage to…I don’t know.” He tears his gaze away again.

“To push you away.”

“Ruin everything! Why can’t we just spend a fun morning together without you having to bring up…all that stuff?”

“Because you can’t hide from it, Brock. You can’t run away from your memories or your fears. I feel like I walk on eggshells whenever I’m around you.”

He huffs and takes another swig of his slushie. I do, too.

We sit in silence.

Then he says, “I’m sorry for blowing up on you. I know you’re just trying to help. But all I wanted was to spend time with you without having to be reminded of the past and all the pain. And about the running away stuff…I don’t know. I mean, you’re right, just don’t get it. No one does.” He angrily takes another sip.

“You’re right. I don’t get it,” I agree. “But I’m worried you’re holding everything in and have no one to talk to. I hope you know you can always talk to me. I’d never judge you. I’ll try not to push, but you’ll have to face everything one day, Brock.”

“I know,” he whispers.

This time, he lets me put my arm around him. “I want to give you as much time as you need. I want to follow your pace. I’m sorry for ruining everything.”

“No, you didn’t,” he says, offering me a small smile. “We’re just fighting like normal siblings. You know we didn’t have a real fight in a long time?”

“I feel like a jerk for pushing you.”

“No, no. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I just want to have fun with my big sis.”

I smile. “And I want to have fun with my baby bro.”

“I can’t be your baby bro if I’m only two years younger than you and am taller than you.”

“Says who?”

A piece of paper floats over and lands near me on the bench. “Where did this come from?” I pick it up and study it. It’s a flyer for whale watching. “This is cool,” I say.

He stretches his neck to read the words. “Grandpa, Grandma, and I thought about going a few weeks ago. But it didn’t work out.”

I can’t help but think about how much Lexi would love this. She’s obsessed with ocean mammals and loves whales and sharks, and all ocean life, just like Brock. If he decides not to come home, would he be open to the idea of her visiting him here? Honestly, I doubt it.

“I know who you’re thinking about,” he says.

“I’m not going to say anything about her.”

He’s quiet for a bit, then says in a low tone, “Does she still love whales and sharks?”

“Of course. Last I heard, she made a presentation about whales to her science class for extra credit. And she planned to do one on sharks, too.”

“Oh. Well, that’s cool. I bet she still wants to be a marine biologist.”


We’re both quiet again.

“Brock, I have to ask…did you read her letter?”

His chest heaves with a heavy sigh. Taking another sip of his slushie, he shakes his head.

“That’s okay. Read it when you’re ready.”