Page 66 of Bound By Deception

Sweat covered my body while my chest rose and fell from both the intensity and reality of what I had just experienced.

Jesus fuck! It was just like in the jet.

Matt ruled in my damn dreams, too, and I wasn’t so sure he hadn’t heard it all through the thin wall that separated our bedrooms. If he did, tomorrow would be a nightmare of mockery and glee.

Chapter 19


Matt had been avoiding me like the plague.

During the week after I returned home, I had hardly seen him around the house at all. I heard him leave early in the mornings but never heard him come back home because it was normally so late that I’d be sleeping already.

Four days ago, he had left a note saying he’d be out of town on business. Later on, Max told me there was a meeting of The Commission in California and that Matt and his grandfather had been summoned.

From what my new shadow explained, Matt was worried about leaving me alone because of the impending danger he so adamantly thought was lurking around every corner.

That resulted in Max sleeping on the couch every night and hanging around with me every day. Everywhere I went, he was there. It was fun having him around. At least I wasn’t alone.

Matt called him every night and every morning, asking for a report, but he never called me. I knew he was pissed about my disappearing act, while I was still livid about the blonde I found blowing him off.

I never thought I would miss him this much, though.

I tried to shake those thoughts away, and I could, for most of the day. But then came the darkness of the night, bringing along those dreams that, besides messing a great deal with my body, messed a lot more with my head.

So I buried myself in those self-defense classes Matt had demanded I’d get. I used those sessions with Victor to clear my head while beating down my body.

It had been a week since I started my training with Victor. I had no idea what instructions he got from Matt, but the guy was pushing my limits with hard shoves every time I came in. Both physical and mental. I hadn’t missed a day yet.

After all, they were my sole reprieve from diving into my own head filled with thoughts about my husband, who never seemed to be around.

I wasn’t made to be a trophy wife. Soon enough, I’d have to find something productive to do, or I’d go stir-crazy.

From what little Victor had told me, he and Matt were friends, and they occasionally trained together. Victor trained some of the Battaglia men, too, even though I never saw any around besides Max. That was the only info I got out of him concerning my dearest husband.

He didn’t talk much, laser-focused on training as he was, but at least he was easy on the eyes. This man was built like a freaking rock. Handsome with long brown hair, which he’d normally tie in a man-bun, dark eyes that matched mine, but that, despite the rest of the package, held a whole lot of kindness.

His body was covered in alluring tattoos, bringing even more focus to all those hard muscles hidden under the ink. He had a neatly trimmed beard, like Matt, paired with a white smile that was sure to break hearts all around the city.

He was thick all around. Chest, arms, abs, thighs — all there on perfect display, practically screaming “touch me” in my face since he hardly ever had a shirt on.

Yet, as alluring as Victor might have been, there was absolutely nothing that pulled me towards him. That realization was a hard pill to swallow, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to dig into the reasoning.

Every day, he would wear me down with cardio before we finally got to spar one-on-one. We’d start off with the punching bag or with me throwing blows into his cushioned gloves. But today, we were getting up close and personal, applying what he had taught me during the week.

My muscles were sore, not only from today but from the seven days straight we’d been going at it, but worse than that, my head was completely out of the game today.

Matt was supposed to have arrived last night, but he didn’t. It both wore me down and fired me up. I couldn’t understand why, but I was angry that after a week away, he still decided to stay out another night.

Maybe with the blonde.

“Wow,” Victor groaned after I finally landed a hard punch straight on his jaw. That last thought fueling my anger. “Good, good. Keep feeding your mind with whatever is going through that pretty little head of yours. It seems to be working.”

Aside from the sore muscles and the overall tiredness, I was truly enjoying this, and I could feel myself getting better and stronger by the day.

“I use these hours to get out of my head, not to deepen the thoughts,” I groaned as I couldn’t help the picture-like images of Matt and the blonde bitch from continuously invading my mind.

“I’m glad to know I’m a distraction to you.” He grinned with a teasing glint in his eyes, wiggling his brows.