Page 4 of Bound By Deception

“Odds are never too bad. I always take a chance when I see something I want. I always end up winning and taking my prize,” he said, referring to my remark from the previous night. He’d been thinking about it, it seemed. “See… if I knew your name, I wouldn’t consider you a stranger. But anyone you don’t know, armed in the middle of the woods, is a threat. They should be treated like one, no matter how fucking breathtaking they might be,” he whispered, every word said slow and seductively while his lips grazed my ear lobe. Today, they were sharper, both his eyes and his words, and so was the barrel of the gun I felt pressing into my hip.

“Is that a threat, Matt?” I said his name in a slow, tentative slur, the feel of it on my tongue too good to hold back.

I’d been haunted all night by those four letters, M-A-T-T, never daring to say them aloud.

He pulled back, towering over me, an expression of deep hunger and direness covering his features. Together with the gun lodged just below my ribcage, I should be running for the damn hills, but there was nowhere I’d rather be than here. Caged between this deadly handsome stranger and a tree.

“Not if you tell me your name, it’s not.” It was a tempting goad, but there was no use in falling. I was engaged to a mafioso I didn’t know, and this man… this man could easily be my demise. I’d be smart to cage my heart and flee.

“I guess you’ll just have to shoot me then.” Once again, contrary to what I expected, he flashed me that shit-eating grin one would flash in the face of victory, even though I’d just basically told him to fuck off. “Just do it quietly. I don’t want my opponents to find my location.”

“You’ll need their mercy once I’m done with you.” Jesus Christ! I felt those words in places I absolutely shouldn’t. I wanted to dare him to follow through, but my words had lost their way between my brain and my mouth. “Is that enough of a pickup line for you?”

“I thought you weren’t making a move.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“I could say it’s a good one, but then again, I’m being coerced into saying what you want to hear, seeing that I’m being held at gunpoint and all.” He didn’t react to my words. Instead, his glower pinned me further against the goddamn tree, waiting for a straight-up answer.

“You’re not afraid of me. You and I both know it. You can speak your mind,” he said when I didn’t budge, his gun pressing further into me.

“I've heard better,” I finally conceded. It was a lie. I’ve neither heard better nor seen better.

“You better get back to your little game then.”

I shrugged. Suddenly suffering the humiliation of my brothers’ victory tales seemed less painful than moving from the spot I was in.

“I’m sure you’ve given away my location by now. I’m as good as dead.”

“Well, you win some, you lose some.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. See… I don’t lose. Ever.”

“You would if I was playing.”

“Really?” I couldn’t hold back the snickering chuckle, “You’re not full of yourself at all.”

His free hand flew to my jaw, holding it tight in his hand, his fingers digging slightly into my cheeks. He set his eyes on mine, searching my soul, a deep scowl settled on his face, while I couldn’t help my tongue from darting across my lips. I was starving for a taste of his lips. A hunger that only increased with every one of his hot breaths of lust.

“I’ve already won, Princess,” he said, pressing his gun and his body further into me, his lips just a shy whisper away from mine. “You can surrender now.”

“Never.” I barely whispered through gritted teeth.

I could combust with the heat that had settled in the pit of my stomach. I had molten lava rushing through my veins, setting a fire at its passage that only he could tame. Fuck, I wanted those lips on mine. Those hands running freely, feeling every inch of my body.

Matt inched closer, placing the faintest of kisses right on the corner of my lips. Featherlight, unlike all his rough edges.

“How about now? Do you surrender?” He whispered, finally breaking the silence.

“I said never.” My voice was breathy, just above a murmur, but still steady as I meant every word. A wicked grin spread across his face.

“That’s my good girl. Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

Before I could fully process what those words did to me, his hot lips claimed mine in an all-consuming kiss. His tongue was ravenous, searching for mine with each stroke, his teeth sinking into my bottom lip, that pleasurable pain pulling a moan from deep within me.

His kiss was like fuel to my raging fire. The hand that held my jaw in place slipped south, settling on my throat, while the other settled on my ass, his gun in the middle, pulling my hips further into him.

I kissed him with my whole body, my hands pulling on his hair at the nape of his neck, while my panting grew wild and uncontrolled.