Chapter One


“Gentlemen,” I said, my arms wide as I walked into the richly appointed boardroom. “Thank you for coming.”

The half-dozen men in expensive, tailored suits all stood, smiles spreading across their faces. And why shouldn’t they be happy? It would be a good day for all of us.

“As if we could turn down such a generous offer,” the eldest of the humans, William Kutchings, said as he stuck out his hand.

My smile matched his as I took his offered grip and shook it firmly. Deep in the back of my mind, my dragon slept contently, dreaming happily of all the piles of gold it would soon possess. Or rather, assets in the bank. It wasn’t quite the same. But the bigger the number, the happier we both were, so it worked.

After we signed this deal to merge our companies, we would expand our business to the West Coast, going truly national, that number would skyrocket to previously unknown levels. Both the beast and I would sleep well tonight.

As would the men in front of me. They all stood to gain just as much, both in their personal accounts and in the future as our joint company grew. International expansion wasn’t far behind, and when it happened, we would all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

Well, almost wildest dreams.

“I think we’re all going to benefit from the agreement,” I said as one of my assistants came in with sheets of papers for everyone to sign. The contracts had been gone over dozens of times by lawyers on both sides until everyone was happy with it.

Their side and mine.

I managed to hold back the sneer that threatened to ruin my good mood. Things were going smoothly now, but it had been a lot of hard work to convince the dragons back in the isles that it was a surefire thing. Due to the size of the merger, I hadn’t been able to do it alone. I’d needed backers. Parting with that much money was hard, even for them.

“Oh, I most certainly agree,” William said as he sat down. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here.”

I chuckled at the chair of the board of my newly acquired company. Or what would be my new company once the papers were signed. I tried not to grow impatient at the slow going. The humans insisted on chatting and taking their sweet time.

Just give it to me already!

“So, what are our next steps?”

I glanced up at the speaker, Jarred McLean, the CEO.

Former CEO as soon as the signing is done. Not that he knows it. The idiot has been holding the entire company back. First move I make.

Instead of vocalizing that thought, I smiled. “Nothing at first. Integration will take some time, and it needs to be our primary focus, so that going forward we can initiate the proper drive to reach our growth goals. Of which I have no doubt we’ll reach with our combined teams.”

Smiles flared again around the table.

I sat back after that, drinking champagne and watching as the board members signed away their company to me.

Life was good.

The next few hours passed with near agonizing slowness. Eventually, we called it a day, the old board filed out, and I sat back in the high-backed leather chair in my office, drinking something a lot stiffer than bubbly. Swirling the sphere-shaped ice cube in the tumbler, I tossed back the rest of the amber liquid, letting it burn its way down my throat.

Reaching out for the bottle, I tilted it to pour myself another dram or two. Or three. There was no reason not to celebrate. I opened my phone, trying to decide who I should call for some companionship while I celebrated the right way. A slow smile spread. Why limit myself to picking just one? After closing a deal that big, I—


The door flew open to my office, and Rita, my assistant, came rushing in. Her normally olive skin was pale as paper.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, on my feet in an instant, eyes darting past Rita.

If someone was in my office making her life hell, they would regret it. Rita was invaluable to me, and I didn’t take well to anyone who treated her poorly.

“The news, sir,” she said, grabbing the remote off my desk and turning on the television behind my chair. “You won’t believe it.”

“Did news of the deal leak?” I asked.