Page 96 of The Pact

“You already went? How…Who took you?”

“I didn’t fall asleep after we… Anyway, the lady from last night had the maintenance guy take me. The car’s out front, so we won’t have to walk back to it. And it’s all in one piece, so Wesley will be pleased.” He grins at me.

I fish a snack bar from my bag. “I didn’t realize you left.”

“Sorry.” He places his hand on mine that’s sitting on the tabletop. “I thought you could use a bit more sleep.”

“Cole,” I broach tentatively, not sure how to bring up the subject. I don’t want him to think I was snooping, even though I kind of was. “My phone was dead when I woke up. I checked yours and I saw something…I didn’t mean to, but…”

I pause, waiting for a visceral reaction. Gavin kept his phone guarded at all times. The couple of times that I tried to go near it, he had a complete meltdown and we’d fight for days.

I don’t know why I expect that from Cole, but his face remains emotionless as he takes a bite of his blueberry muffin.

“I saw a text, someone thanking you for recommending Cassie.” My eyes dart away from his. “Did you recommend her for the festival?”

Cole puts his muffin down and finishes chewing the bite in his mouth, wiping away the crumbs with a napkin. “I didn’t want to say anything. I know I should have, but I didn’t want to take credit or steal the spotlight. You mentioned that she’s done event photography and my friend Toby needed someone good. I thought it would’ve been nice for her to think that she got it on her own.” I meet his gaze, shocked at the response he’s given me. “I should have told you, I feel horrible.”

“What? No. That is so kind of you.” I get up and come around the table, wrapping my arms around him. “Thank you, that was very sweet. Next time, you can tell me, though.” I kiss his cheek and sit back down.

The happiness I feel at his calm reaction and thoughtful gesture is dampened by my own secret. At least his was honorable. A wave of shame hits me, yet it’s not enough to make me tell him about the text. I’m protecting him by keeping this from him.

We finish up and go to check out.

Cole’s been all smiles since I thanked him for what he did for Cassie, but when we get to the front desk, I feel his energy shift—he’s antsy.

The woman from last night is there, looking tired.

“I hope your stay was wonderful,” she says expectantly, as if wanting me to confirm.

“It was lovely. We will be back soon, I hope.” I stare up at Cole as I say it. The inn will hold a special place in my heart. “And thank you for helping with the gas situation.” Her face scrunches.

Cole’s pulling my hand towards the front door. “Let’s get on the road. I’ll make you a proper meal when we get back home.” I don’t fight him, my stomach protests around the measly snack bar.

“Thank you!” I call out to the woman behind me.

Wesley’s red BMW, in perfect condition, sitting in the gravel parking lot, is a welcome sight. I let the worries about Gavin blow away with the wind that’s whipping through my hair as we head home.

I fill my head with better things. The last twenty-four hours have been packed with excitement, wonder, pleasure, and disbelief. It almost makes everything else I’m going through feel like a distant problem. My flooded apartment. The lack of clients I’m bringing in. Gavin. It’s all so far away, even more so when Cole’s hand reaches across the seat to rest on my thigh.

The simple touch sends a reminder of all the places his hands were last night and this morning. My teeth drag over my bottom lip. I’m wet at the idea of where his hand could be right now.

He’s looking over at me and I can tell that he’s thinking the same thing by the way the green in his eyes darkens. His fingers spread over my skin and squeeze.

I slide down in the seat a little and open my legs, giving him full access to me. He wets his lips, not hesitating. I’m still sore, however, this isn’t something I can pass up. I watch his hand disappear beneath the hem of my dress, then lean my head back.

Cole starts slowly, circling my clit—teasing me almost painfully. I push into his touch. He lets out a low laugh at my impatience. “So greedy, love.” If I could have his hands on me every day, I would.

I’m insatiable and can’t deny it.

His finger slides over me until he’s pushing inside of me, slicking himself with my wetness. He removes it and I let out a dissatisfied mewl. Then he’s rubbing my clit again, lubing me with my arousal before returning—sliding two fingers inside this time.

My eyes finally open and I glance at him. His are laser focused ahead—hugging the curves of the mountains that border the road. I glance at the odometer and read seventy, well above the limit. This is dangerous, going this fast on the two-lane highway. But I don’t stop him.

Something about it turns me on more.

“Fuck, you’re dripping. What’s got you so worked up?” I can’t answer. All I can focus on is the rhythm of his fingers and the feel of his palm as I rub against it. He speeds up, making me moan. The vibrations of the car adding to the already overwhelming sensations. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? You like when I drive fast?” I nod, focusing on the road ahead.

Cole pushes down on the gas a little more and I’m almost there. He’s curling his fingers and sweeping over that sensitive spot deep inside of me. He accelerates again and I’m clenching around him, digging my nails into the soft leather of the seat.