His head tilts back and forth as he considers. “It’s an hour and a half drive. I’d hate to drag them all the way out here. We wouldn’t get back until midnight or so. Do you want to stay the night?”
Of course I do. This place is gorgeous. I rest my hand on his arm and then look at the woman. “We’ll take a room.”
“Wonderful!” She excitedly begins typing into an older computer. “One bed or two,” she asks politely, not wanting to assume.
“One, ple—”
Cole interrupts. “Two is good.”
My face falls. The woman notices and I flush red. Did I do something wrong? He’s been quieter than usual on the trip back from the waterfall. The waterfall…Is he upset because I didn’t reciprocate his feelings?
The woman hands him the key and directs us where to go. I follow silently behind Cole as he leads the way. My thoughts clash up against one another—I don’t want to feel guilty for not saying that it back, but I still do.
I’m deep in my head when I run into his back as he stops in front of our room.
“Here we are,” he announces as he turns the key and opens the door.
Suddenly, I don’t want to go in.
“Get settled. I’m going to see if I can find us some dinner.” Thea’s sitting on the bed. She nods, looking a little sad.
I don’t want her to be. I really don’t. Asking for two beds was petty. Since we left North Carolina, I’ve been in my head. Today was supposed to go much differently and I’m disappointed.
Needing a few minutes alone, I close the door behind me and head down the hallway.
Thea bruised my ego, although I don’t believe she did it on purpose. She’s either is too scared to be vulnerable, or she doesn’t love me…yet. I’m not sure which one hurts more.
I’ve spent weeks showing her I can be her safe space. She can count on me for whatever she needs. I shake the doubt from my mind. Thea loves me. She’s just apprehensive. I’m sure of it. The way I catch her staring at me when she thinks I’m not looking, the way her body craves me, the album.
She needs to let go of her past. I’m not Gavin.
Normally, I’d have no problem taking things slow, but Damian is pushing me. He doesn’t care if we love each other—he wants us to fuck. That’s not what I want for my sweet Thea. I need this to be perfect and for us to feel the same way.
It doesn’t help that Wesley’s now pursuing her, respectfully, of course. It’s always easier when there’s fewer of us involved, however, it was that or risking Thea leaving. This is a lot to take on, and I’m sure her feelings are all over the place. I wish my ego would accept that.
I turn the corner to see the front desk woman, Deena, according to her name tag, staring at me curiously.
“Sorry to bother you. I hate to ask, but is there any chance you have some food in the kitchen I could take up with me? We haven’t had dinner.”
Deena smiles kindly. “I might have a thing or two. Come with me.” I follow her into the kitchen, watching as she opens the fridge. “Tonight we had lemon roasted chicken, wild rice, and asparagus. Would that be alright?”
“That should be good. I hate to be a pain. Do you know if there’s any gluten in this? She can’t eat it.” The older woman looks at me in confusion. “Anything with flour.”
Her eyes drift over the meal, probably recalling if she used flour in anything.
“No, I don’t believe so. Although, I didn’t cook it. This was made hours ago by our chef.” I hate not having a clear answer. I never want Thea to go without. However, tonight it might be unavoidable.
I smile graciously. “Thank you, we’ll take it.”
Deena plates the food and warms it in the microwave. Not exactly what I had in mind, but it’ll have to do.
I carry the stacked covered plates back to the room, but pull out my phone before I open the door. I roll my eyes at the messages in the group chat. Damian and Sutton sent urgent texts asking where we were and if everything was fine.
My brother is getting on my last nerve. Damian’s need to know and control everything is overwhelming. And not only with Thea—with our businesses as well. Pointing out my payroll mistake and hounding me about it is just like him. Always keeping an eagle eye on the money.
I mean, I get it. He didn’t come from a lot and now that he has money, he keeps a tight grip on it. Sure, we have a nice house and cars, although aside from that we live modestly. We don’t take lavish vacations or own a yacht. Those are unnecessary things, in Damian’s opinion. He hordes our wealth, fearing it can be taken at any time.