I flag it for later, then notice a familiar address that I haven’t seen in a while. A. Wells. I flag that one for later, too. There’s another email that’s more important.
This one’s from our accountant, asking once again if there’s been any clarification on the bakery’s financial report being off. That’s a whole other headache. Cole’s so distracted by Thea that he’s making payroll mistakes. I mean, I get it. Still, he needs to stay on top of his shit. I’ve got too much going on to add micromanaging his business to my plate. I’m already babysitting his relationship with her.
Admittedly, Cole moves a bit slower than the rest of us. Always has—he’s the sensitive one. But this takes the cake. He must think I’m stupid. I saw right through him this afternoon during our meeting. I didn’t buy his nonchalant attitude when he said he’d speed things up with Thea. Cole’s dragging this out on purpose—I just don’t know why. Maybe it’s Sutton.
He crossed a line, broke a rule. Although I can’t blame him. Sutton has a history with Thea that none of us can come close to matching. I should have expected that they’d get carried away. That’s on me. I know Sutton’s heart. He genuinely feels sorry for it and won’t let it happen again.
Then there’s Wes. He’s been increasingly distant since the carnival. Jesus, can’t my brothers be on the same page for once? Right now, they’re all in different fucking books. And I’m over here playing librarian—rearranging shelves to make everything fit perfectly.
Tomorrow, I’ll talk to Wesley. He needs to spend some time alone with Thea, really get to know her. I hate the reality of it, but if my brother decides that he can’t form a bond with her, we’ll have to let her go.
The thought of that makes my fists clench. I breathe out, willing calmness to settle over me. This will all work out. It has to.
I woke in Sutton’s bed, vaguely remembering myself wrapped around him at different points throughout the night. But his side is empty now. He didn’t protest when I asked if I could stay in his room for the evening.
It’s still sinking in that jealousy isn’t an issue between them. I half expected Cole to get upset, even if I’ve spent plenty of nights in his room. He wasn’t fazed at all.
Sutton stayed up late with me as I worked on editing. My bad fortune can’t affect Cassie’s clients. He had to coax me to close my laptop and go to sleep.
He kissed over my shoulder and up my neck while tracing his fingers over my torso. However, he never let it go any farther than that. Not that I didn’t try. I wiggled up against him a few times, knowing that my ass was rubbing against his cock. My efforts didn’t go unnoticed, yet Sutton only held me until we both fell asleep.
I don’t understand what the hesitation is with him and Cole. I’m giving them all the signals, but they seem content drawing this out. It’s getting on my nerves.
I’m taking my time heading up, returning to my room to get ready for the day. Between all of my issues and my pent up sexual frustration, I have a feeling I might be a little snippy today. I don’t want to take it out on them.
Ten minutes until I have to leave, just enough time to grab breakfast and say a quick good morning before slipping out the door.
I hear Damian’s voice before I’m halfway up the steps. It’s a reminder of the first time I listened in on a conversation between the guys. I’m too nosy not to listen in again.
“…not up for discussion. This cold shoulder shit is pissing me off. I see the way you look at her.” Damian sounds agitated.
“You’re only pissed because of your own fucked up rules, this stupid idea that we all have to go first before you can…” What the hell is Wesley talking about?
There’s a moment of silence before Damian replies. “This is how we do things. It hasn’t been a problem in the past, so what's your issue? Is this because of Victoria? That was over two years ago.”
Victoria? Is that the woman they shared before me?
“God, you want her so fucking bad, that’s it, isn’t it? I’ve never seen you this impatient over a woman. That good boy comment last night has you squirming.” Wesley’s gruff laugh is unexpected against his brother’s tenseness.
A loud bang comes from above. Damian slamming something? “I’m impatient because at this rate, you’ll be kissing her sometime next year. You’re taking her on the hike, talk with her, get to know her. I’m not saying to fuck her today, but try to bond with her. If you come back and honestly say you can’t make it work, then we will break things off.”
I try to make sense of their conversation. Is Damian holding off from pursuing me because he wants Wesley to pursue me first? Why is he hellbent on controlling everything in our lives? These are questions that won’t get answered because I would have to admit I was eavesdropping.
I have a feeling that they aren’t comfortable sharing the private details of their pact yet—even if it involves me.
“Fine.” I hear Wesley say begrudgingly.
Seriously? Do I not get a say in any of this? It’s then I realize that I’ve been letting them do most of the work. They provide for me, bring me lunch at work, make the first move usually, and make all the decisions. And what have I done to be an active participant in these relationships?
I’m upset because Sutton and Cole haven’t acted on my signals. What if I stopped the subtly and made it loud and fucking clear? What if I take what I want? I feel powerful at the idea, yet it’s only momentary. The realization of why I haven’t pursued them hits hard.
With Gavin, I was rejected repeatedly. I put in all the effort at first—it was met with ungratefulness. Years of that taught me to be guarded. Allowing myself to be vulnerable and showing that I cared by going out of my way for someone are signs of weakness in my eyes. I was wrong. Those are strengths.
If I want this to work, if I want to show them I’m taking this seriously, then I have to put in some effort.
I head up, pretending to be none the wiser.