“Did you wish something had?” He interjects.
The blush creeping over my cheeks is enough to answer his question, although I confirm it, “Yes.” I childishly expect anger or resentment, but when I meet Cole’s gaze, he’s smiling.
“What worries me is that we will bond faster and that might cause issues. Also, we’ve been friends for so long, I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want it to be weird.”
“It’s a risk, and I understand your apprehension. Maybe you and Sutton could sit down and discuss it. I’m sure he has similar feelings.” This man knows exactly what to say to comfort me. How could I not want this?
I sigh. It feels like there is so much to discuss. However, I’m mentally drained from thinking it over. “I’m still not convinced all of you will want to date me. There’s no way you all have the same type. How will all of our personalities mesh? I mean, look at Wesley. I know Damian said not to worry about him, but he won’t even look at me longer than two seconds.”
Cole nods in understanding. “Wesley’s been hurt in the past. A few years ago, we found someone that agreed to this. We dated her for two years, she and Wesley had a strong connection. She got a job offer and took it. Moved across the country and eventually she just stopped responding to our calls and messages. What killed Wesley was that he’d been offered a job abroad and turned it down to stay here with her.”
Fuck. That hurts my heart. The feeling is unexpected, considering I’m not close with Wesley. When I first met him, I remember feeling like his coldness was protective. He’s protecting himself because he’s been hurt immeasurably. I know exactly how that feels.
I stare out the window and focus on the streetlights, waiting for the watering in my eyes to subside.
I glance back at Cole. “He’s a good person, isn’t he?”
“One of the best I know,” Cole assures. “It’s going to take him time. He needs patience and grace.” The way he talks about his brother is beautiful. Reaching into this pocket, he pulls out his phone. “I’m going to show you something. This stays between you and me.” His face is suddenly serious. My brows knit in confusion. He taps on his screen and scrolls.
When he turns the phone around, I can see it’s a group chat. Their group chat. I’m too fucking nosy not to look. I start at the top message.
Damian: Wes, ease up on the girl, you’ll scare her away…
Sutton: The death stare you gave her at game night had her practically shaking.
Cole: If you ruin this for us, Wes, I’m going to kick your ass. I might not have a chance in hell at winning, but I’ll go down trying.
Wesley: What do you want me to do? She just stares at me with those big fucking blue eyes… If I don’t glare at her, she’ll just keep staring. I can’t stand it.
Sutton: Wtf… Her eyes are my favorite thing about her. I could stare into them forever.
Wesley: That’s the problem. They’re traps. If I look too long… I won’t be able to stop.
Cole: Wes, you can’t keep doing this. Keeping your guard up isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Damian: Yes or no? Does she check all of your boxes?
Damian: Your fucked up history aside…
Wesley: Yes.
Sutton: Are you willing to risk losing out on this? Can you let her walk away? Because I can’t. I’ve already done it once and let me tell you, losing this girl hurts like fucking hell.
Wesley: Then it’s settled. I’ll try not to be such a dick…
I instantly regret spying on their conversation. These are their private thoughts laid bare. Still, I can see why Cole showed me. Knowing that none of them wants me to walk away feels strangely comforting.
Cole grabs my hands, his eyes searching mine. “Give us a chance. The minute it’s too uncomfortable, you can walk away.”
I don’t know if this will work. And I won’t know unless I try.
The moments tick by and my decision becomes clearer. I can’t let Cole go, not yet, which means they’re all mine. A package deal.
“Yes. I’ll give the four of you a chance.”