Page 3 of The Pact

Typically, she doesn’t hesitate to speak openly, although I can tell she’s holding back right now.

Her back straightens a bit. “No, no. I’m fine. Getting all of our ducks in a row, that’s all.” She pauses, taking another sip. “I’ve looked at the numbers. If we can each put away three thousand dollars every month, plus with what we have in our savings now, we can get a sizable piece of property around here. Maybe before the end of the year.”

Her confidence is usually contagious, however, it doesn’t reach me today. The thought of putting away that much money each month feels…unrealistic. At least for me. Her books are full, but with that kind of commitment, I’ll barely scrape by.

My gaze shifts away from hers and catches the eyes of the man behind the counter. I quickly glance back at Cassie. “Of course. We can do that.” I’ll have to get creative with marketing. The thought makes me anxious.

“You have an admirer,” she taunts, eyeing the man I just locked eyes with. “Cole’s been checking you out the whole time we’ve been here.” She giggles like a teenage girl.

Forcing my eyes to not look over, I shake my head. “You’re delusional.”

Cassie tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. The gold of her earring almost matches the golden highlights in her dark waves. “It’s been a year Thea. You’re the happiest I’ve ever seen you. It’s time to get back on the horse.” Her eyes dart to him, taking him in appreciatively. “God, with that body, he’s probably hung like one.”

My jaw drops at her crass remark. I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks as lustful thoughts fill my head. It’s been too long since I’ve fucked anyone and my body wants more than the solo action it’s been getting.

I might need to hit the bar for a fix tonight.

Cass has been nudging me slowly—dropping hints about dating again. It’s hard to wrap my head around the idea of it. A new relationship would mean that I’ve truly moved on. And I have, mentally and emotionally—moved on. Although I haven’t fully healed. I’m not sure that will ever happen.

Dating means I could get hurt again. Not all guys are like Gavin. Not all guys will cheat. Not all guys will use you.

My tenseness eases, knowing it’s true. There’s someone out there for me, someone who will treat me the way I deserve. Is it the owner of Wolfe Creek Bakery? Probably not. He seems nice enough. He looks like a safe choice to dip my toes back into the dating pool.

“Listen, if by some chance he has any interest and asks me out, I’ll go.” I raise my brows in challenge. “But I don’t want to hear anything else after that.”

“I can arrange that!” Cassie raises a hand, signaling Cole to come over. I lunge over the table, yanking it back down, spilling my coffee all over her notepad.

She gasps and searches for something to clean up the mess. “Serves you right for taunting me about the hot baker,” I grumble quietly.

The words no sooner leave my mouth when a dish towel comes down between us, patting Cassie’s stationary before wiping down the table.

My eyes slowly rise to meet his. Said “hot baker” is standing there. Of course he is. I can tell by his flushed cheeks and smirk that my comment didn’t go unheard. “I-I’m so sorry about the mess. Let me.” I try to reach for the towel to help. He pulls it away.

“Accidents happen. Can I get you another cup?” He points to my nearly empty one. His hazel eyes and warm smile framed by dimples make my brain slow.

“I think she’s had enough coffee,” Cassie answers for me. “And on that note, I have to meet a client.” She slides her damp notepad into her bag. Winking as she walks away, she leaves Cole and me with the awkward situation.

“Let me bring you another cup. On the house.” I open my mouth to protest. He puts a hand up to stop me. “You’re in here all the time. It’s my treat.” I hold my tongue.

Something I’m working on is being able to accept things without feeling guilty—help, gifts, small kindnesses. There is nothing wrong with people treating you nicely. You deserve it.

I sit up a little straighter and meet his gaze. “Thank you. That would be nice.”

I scroll through my unopened emails from the past couple of days, looking for anything that needs my attention. Junk. Junk. Bank statement. Email from my mother. Junk. Coupon from my favorite candle store. I click open the last one and make a note to use it before it expires.

A wave of customers came in after Cassie left, tying Cole up. But him being preoccupied allows me to steal some glances his way. He’s young to be the owner of a bakery. Or maybe, I don’t spend enough time with people who have their life together. He’s probably about my age. It makes me feel self-conscious because I’m just starting my business.

Still, it’s impressive how he manages everything.

I come in often enough, okay…daily. Only because he makes one of the best cups of coffee I’ve ever had. There’s almost always a steady stream of traffic, the place is immaculate, and the service is top-notch. Yeah, my life is not as together as his.

He laughs at something a customer says and I watch as his dirty blonde curls sway across his forehead. The dark scruff on his face hides most of the angles of his jaw, yet I can tell that it’s cut sharp.

Handing the customer a bag, my eyes travel over his arms. Cole’s shirt hugs him tightly enough that I can see the flex of his biceps as he moves. He’s built athletically, like he might have played sports when he was younger.

Then his eyes meet mine. Caught.

Looking down at my computer screen, I pretend to be very interested in an email from an airline. Their trip to the Bahamas for only three hundred dollars sounds really tempting right about now.