Damian may have thought he got the last laugh with his taunting, but I made sure it was me.
Kissing her in front of them with the taste of her pussy on my tongue satisfied me enough to get through the rest of Thea’s visit. And the shock on her face like we committed some horrible crime reassured me that as dangerous as her body is, she still has limits—I like that.
Letting my brothers know she was the best I’ve ever tasted was the cherry on top, just a little something to rub it in their faces. And it wasn’t a lie.
Thea tasted heavenly and I’ve been craving her ever since.
More and more lately, I’ve been feeling like the middle child in our group—overlooked and unimportant. It’s probably why I threw Thea in their faces and why I’ve been in a mood. This time, I’m not going to be overshadowed. Thea even said it herself—she sees me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. And now I know that it’s all she’s ever wanted too.
My phone dings.
Thea: Yes! Cassie says they’re in!
The tightness in my chest eases.
I check the creased list in my hand as I walk down the aisle, eyeing the products that line the shelves. Thankfully, my grocery needs are pretty simple. I’m a creature of habit and convenience.
Eggs with some salsa for breakfast. Soup for lunch since it’s easy and portable for days at the studio. And for dinner, I rotate through a few different ingredients. This week I’ll have salmon and chicken with sweet potatoes, green beans, and rice.
I don’t need a lot to survive.
My cart squeaks along as I come to a stop in front of the jars of salsa. Eyeing the different types, I pick up one to make sure it’s gluten-free.
I’m reading the label when I hear whispers from a few feet away. My curiosity kicks in and I listen without turning my head so they don’t realize I can hear them. Small town gossip can be entertaining and I wonder if I know who they’re talking about—probably not.
“I don’t know how she sleeps at night, knowing that she’s luring anyone she can into a life of sin. Next, she’ll be going after our husbands, convincing them to join her in her wickedness.”
I need to know more. What is this sinful woman doing that has the women in a frenzy? My mind wanders. Maybe she’s teaching a pole dancing class or owns a sex toy store. I drop back in on their conversation.
The other woman is chiming in this time. “I mean, who in their right mind wants to dress women in practically nothing and take photos of them? I think she gets off on that kind of thing. She has to like the ladies to be doing that kind of stuff, right?”
My face stings with embarrassment when I realize it’s me they’re talking about. Without thinking, I turn my head to see them staring right at me, continuing to talk. They meant for me to hear everything.
Putting the salsa into my cart, not sure if I even want it, I hurry out of the aisle.
I knew my niche of photography would be tougher here in a small town. However, having people say that I have ulterior motives leaves my chest aching. I’ve been nothing but professional.
Distracted, I try to finish the rest of my shopping without encountering the women again. I’m in the produce section when I hear more whispers.
“Millie, my nail girl, heard she’s been spending lots of time with those boys up on Toccoa River.” The woman’s voice is rough, like she’s smoked all her life.
“Mmm. The Wolfe Creek Four?”
“Uh huh! They keep to themselves an awful lot. Somethin’ about them don’t sit right with me. Why do four men their age need to be livin’ all in the same house? It’s odd.”
“My neighbor’s girl was eyeing that Cole boy, the one who owns the bakery, and she said that he wouldn’t so much as look her way. What’s so special about this one? Deanna is a pretty little thing and even watches over the babies during Sunday service.”
I can’t listen to their voices any longer. I’m afraid I might turn around and say something. These women have no shame or decency to, at the very least, wait until I’m gone to talk shit.
The woman at the register scans through my items and I try to calm myself. I half expect her to make some inappropriate comment, but she looks like she would rather be anywhere else—my life is none of her concern, thankfully.
I remind myself that despite what people are saying, my business is growing—albeit slowly. And Cole is a sweet soul. They will never understand the bond between him and his brothers. My life is as close to perfect as I can imagine.
There’s nothing anyone can do to take that away from me.
I’m still agitated when I meet with Cassie to look at properties for our expansion. The tense energy doesn’t go unnoticed. She waits until the realtor takes a call, letting us explore on our own for a few minutes.