Page 18 of The Pact

She laughs. “Okay, so you hit the jackpot. Brava bellissima. Your message seemed urgent. Sorry, I was a little tied up with Anthony. What’s going on?”

Yeah, I know what that meant. Tied up was her code for getting railed. Normally, I’d laugh or tease her. However, I’m too invested in scoping out this room.

Curiosity has always been a weakness of mine. I open the drawers of the nightstand, empty. Then I check the other nightstand, the same. Not one hair tie, false eyelash, or lipstick left behind. There's no way I'm the only woman that’s been in this room.

They must have an excellent housekeeper.

“Long story short, Cole had to drive my truck to his house. I almost hit this guy, he went crazy. There was also a weird note. I’ll have to explain later.” My words are rushed. “I was a little nervous to come here, for obvious reasons, and was going to see about staying with you for the night.”

I turn the faucet off, the steam rolls off the surface of the water. An hour ago I was dead set on leaving as soon as I heard from Cassie, but now…I’m not so sure.

“You’re welcome anytime, although I know you. It sounds like you don’t want to leave. Is tonight the night?” Her voice shifts to excitement.

“No, no, nothing like that. I kind of want to stay, though. There’s a guest room, so it’s not like I have to sleep in the same bed as him or anything. I still want to take it slow.”

Cassie sighs. “You already know what my answer is.” I do. She’ll say to go for it. “Just send me your location in case you go missing and I have to track you down.”

“God, you’re so twisted sometimes. I love it.”

“It’s a blessing and a curse,” she states flatly. I’m sending her my location as she says goodnight. I strip off my clothes and sink into the hot water, savoring the burn against my skin.

Cole’s clothes don’t fit like they should—men’s clothes never seem to. The gray sweatpants hug me snugly while being entirely too long at the same time. I resort to folding the waistband over a few times, making the fabric tighten over my wide hips even more.

His shirt is worse. The white fabric stretches tightly over my chest and I know it won’t fit him the same again. I look ridiculous, but putting on my dirty hiking clothes was out of the question. I do put my sports bra back on, as much as I hate to. It’s that or give Cole and his brother a show they won’t soon forget.

Opening the door, I’m hit with the smell of something delicious and my stomach growls, reminding me I haven’t eaten a decent meal since breakfast. I’m towel drying my hair as I bounce up the steps, eager to see what Cole is cooking.

When I hit the landing, I see Damian talking to someone clad all in black. From his leather boots and jeans to his hooded leather jacket. It all makes sense when I see the matte black motorcycle helmet on the table.

Must be another one of Cole’s brothers.

Damian’s ice blue gaze focuses on me as he stops mid-sentence. Turning to see what caught his brother’s attention, I lock eyes with someone I wasn’t sure I’d ever see again.

My lungs refuse to breathe for a moment and I think I might cry. Goosebumps break out over my skin. And I run to him.

We collide. Throwing my arms around Sutton, I bury my face in his neck as he spins me around. A tear slips out and I hold on tighter. His familiar scent of lavender and sandalwood pulls forward hundreds of memories from the past.

He sets me down and I pull back, staring into my friend’s amber eyes, framed by rounded glasses. We exchange a thousand words with that look.

Sutton’s the same, yet entirely different—we’re both older. He must be thinking the same thing about me.

My eyes travel over his warm brown skin, noting that he’s grown his facial hair some. But it’s the two silver hoops circling his bottom lip that surprise me the most. Those are new. The piercings suit him nicely.

Everything about him is familiar. From the slight natural arch in his dark brows, his wide nose, and his full, well-defined lips. His hair is still cut short, just like it was back then. Even the feel of his body is the same, lean and tone.

While that familiarity is comforting, there’s something else there—something we didn’t explore all those years ago. That old electricity buzzes to life at our closeness. Thoughts of running my hands over his body, kissing him, fucking him flood my mind. All things that we never acted on. And we absolutely can’t act on now. We never could get the timing right.

I hug him again, then realize we must seem like lunatics to Damian and Cole. Stepping back, I see that I’m right. Both of them frozen, watching Sutton and I, absolutely bewildered.

Clearing my throat, I announce, “Sutton and I went to college together.” Looping my arm around his waist, I lean on him, needing to know this isn’t some kind of delusion.

“I’m going to need an explanation. How are you here?” Sutton stares down at me, mirroring my disbelief. It takes me a moment to process his words, because the lip rings aren’t the only new piercings Sutton has. I spot two silver balls sitting on either side of his tongue. I pull my gaze from his mouth and bring my attention back to his words. “Gavin?” I pat his arm and heave a breath.

“We have plenty of time to talk about all of that, but first I need to eat.” I peer around him. In the kitchen, Cole now has his back to us, stirring something on the stove.

Realizing that Cole might be put off by my excitement at unexpectedly seeing an old friend, I make my way to him. Walking past Damian, without giving him so much as a glance, I stand next to Cole and rest my cheek against his arm.

“Smells amazing. What did you make?” I feel him relax a little.