“You’ve been lying to me.” It’s not the smoothest start and I know it’s likely going to make him defensive immediately. “I know about the inn. I know that you somehow have a key to my studio, one I didn’t give you. I know you asked Jake to terrorize me that night.”
I watch the emotions play over his face, each accusation cutting deeper.
I put a hand up to stop him. “Please tell me there is some logical explanation for all of this. I want to believe I’m wrong, or maybe this is a misunderstanding because this isn’t the Cole I know. I feel like everything’s been a lie.”
He reaches out, but I pull away. “Thea, I love you. That’s the only thing that matters. I love you so much it hurts. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for us. Because I believe in us and our future.”
“Cole.” It comes out as a whisper. He’s not denying any of it. “I’m giving you the chance to tell me that there’s an explanation that makes sense. Wes and Damian already know about the key and Jake. I haven’t told them about the inn. They don’t know you’re here, but if they find out…I don’t know what they’ll do. Please, tell me something that explains all of this.”
He runs a hand through his curls and stares at me through his dark lashes. The realization that he has no excuse slams into me.
“Did you steal my studio key, Cole?” I wait for denial, but he’s silent. “Did you plan for us to run out of gas?” Again, he says nothing. My mind races. What else? “That wasn’t the first time you used the key to my studio, was it?”
Cole’s chin lifts and his face hardens.
My voice comes out as a choke. “Did you mess with my bookings? Was that you on camera? Leaving the truck part for me to find? Jesus, Cole…you made it so my truck wouldn’t work?” While I pace, something important is trying to surface in my mind. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. It’s hard to think beyond the anger and hurt of his deception.
Cole finally speaks. “You don’t understand what it’s like.” I freeze and look at him.
“I don’t understand what, Cole? What did I do to deserve this? Did I hurt you somehow? Because I can’t think of anything I did to make you do this to me.” Tears pour down my face and my chest tightens, making it hard to breathe.
Even through my blurred vision, his face remains emotionless. “You don’t understand what it’s like having to share with everyone all the time. To have nothing to call your own. To never be good enough for someone to choose you above everyone else.”
Oh my God. Is this about sharing me with his brothers? “Cole,” I seethe. “I was yours before you introduced me to your brothers. I was all yours. It was that fucking pact you forced on me. You told me it was the only way. What was I supposed to do?” Anger overpowers everything else. “You planned that encounter with Jake before I even met them. You decided I wouldn’t choose you before I even knew there was a choice to be made.”
Cole steps towards me and I don’t back away this time. Rage makes me bold. “I had such high hopes for you. I did everything right. I was exactly who you needed me to be. Everything you said you wanted.” His words confuse me.
“I told you I didn’t want to take you from your brothers. If that’s what you wanted, you could have told me. It could have just been us. But you made me believe that this was the only way and now… Now I care about all four of you. And I can’t walk away.”
“It’s more complicated than that. It’s not as simple as walking away.” His hands drag down his face in exasperation. “The only way out of this is death. Like Damian said.”
I interrupt, “No. Damian clearly said that you could leave, you just wouldn’t be as close as you are now. You wouldn’t get the benefits of the pact. But you could leave.” He looks away briefly and something in his eyes sends a jolt of shock through me. Cole isn’t deceiving me, not this time. “Tell me Damian didn’t lie about that. Why would he lie about that?” My voice cracks.
Cole lets out a breath. “There are too many secrets I share with my brothers. We all know too much for one of us to leave. It’s a liability.”
My mind scrambles to figure out what that could mean. Then, it hits me. I know at least one of those secrets. Rob and Matt. Does that also mean death is my only way out of this as well? I thought it was Damian being poetic. Now…I’m not so sure. I push that thought away, needing to deal with Cole first.
“You pulled us into this, you trapped us. Whatever shit you have going on with your brothers…whatever deal you made in this stupid fucking pact, you should have handled before involving me. I don’t even get it. What did you think the outcome of this was going to be? Did you think I wouldn’t connect with them and we’d go on the run for the rest of our lives?”
The way Cole is staring at me, I know the answer is yes. That’s exactly what he expected. He wanted me to abandon my whole life for him. A coldness settles in his eyes.
“I thought you were different. You were supposed to be different from the others. You were sweet and kind and out of a bad relationship. I knew if I could give you everything that Gavin couldn’t, then you’d fall in love with me and choose me over all of them. You’d do anything for us to be together.”
My mind tries to wrap around his words. His reasons make no sense to me. Who is this person he thinks I am? I would never leave my life here to run off with him. Be with him, sure. But run, no, I couldn’t do that again. “So this was all a test? You wanted to rope me in and see if I would pick you after meeting your brothers? You manipulated me to see if I would give everything up…for you.”
Cole is silent, although I see the confirmation in his eyes. “I knew Sutton was my only real problem. He’s friendly and you’re his type. I wasn’t betting on him having a history with you. But Damian, I knew it would take him a while to warm up. He always takes the longest. As for Wesley, I made sure that he thought the last girl I brought home stole from him. I needed to make you fall for me fast, while keeping them from getting to know you.”
“Oh my fucking God. Cole, this is insane! Do you understand that?” I can’t even believe he’s willingly admitting this to me right now. “I feel like I’m going crazy. I thought Gavin was behind everything in the last couple of months. Was it you? Was all of it you?”
“I needed you to trust me and for you to see that I could protect and care for you.” He’s spilling his darkest secrets to me and slowly I’m realizing why.
“Cole, forcing me into a corner so that I had to depend on you wasn’t the way to make me fall for you. I need to go back inside to see if there are any updates.” I inch back towards the hospital doors, suddenly too aware that it’s dark and there’s no one around.
“Thea, we can still be together. We can go right now, just you and me.” His hand shoots out, swiftly wrapping his fingers around my wrist. “You and me, my love.”
I try snatching my arm back. “I could never be with you after this. You tricked me into loving you. You purposely sabotaged my life. How could I ever trust a lying psychopath? I’m so fucking stupid for not seeing it sooner. You were too perfect and I should have known.”