Page 168 of The Pact

“Something like that,” I reply, distracted and searching the crowd to see if Cole’s arrived yet.

My vision goes black and I feel hands come across my eyes. “Guess who?” Cassie’s unmistakable voice teases in my ear. My body instantly relaxes and I turn, throwing my arms around her.

“I’m so glad you’re here! You too, Anthony!”

I hold Cassie out at a distance, giving her a once over. She’s in a pale yellow romper and white sandals. Her hair is pulled half up so it’s out of her face, making her beautiful brown eyes pop. Anthony stands a good foot taller than her. His tan skin looks even darker against his white shirt and khakis.

His black hair is cut short all over while his trimmed dark beard frames his beaming smile. Anthony’s always smiling. I like that about him. He evens out Cassie’s serious personality.

“How many drinks do I need to have to catch up to you?” She asks, glancing around for a cooler.

“Only one glass of wine, thank you very much. Although, I haven’t eaten in a while,” I admit, feeling a haziness around the edges of my mind. “So it feels like three,” I laugh out. I need to keep my wits about me tonight if I’m going to have a conversation with Cole. Still, I can’t help feeling relieved that the wine is easing my tension.

“Hey, man, good to see you.” Wesley claps Anthony on the back. “Been a while. We’ll have to do another game night soon.” Wes carries that same wide smile as Anthony. However, now that I know him better, I know it’s often a mask covering what’s going on deep inside.

Cassie levels a gaze at Wes. “As long as it’s not Uno.” They both chuckle.

“On that note, I’m going to get you something to eat. Don’t want you passed out on a lounge chair in an hour.” Damian lets go of my hand and walks off.

“C’mon, let’s get them some drinks,” Wesley motions for Anthony to follow him. I hook my arm through Cassie’s, leading her to the pool.

I sit on the edge and dip my legs into the water. Cassie slides off her shoes and does the same. “Jesus. I can’t believe you get this view any time you want,” she comments, admiring the world beyond the patio.

The sun is setting over the tree line. Strokes of pink and purple push into a dusky blue. I wish I had my camera.

“I still can’t believe it, either.” I say it more to myself than anything.

Her shoulder bumps into mine. “You look really happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

I smile, although it doesn’t reach my eyes.

When I woke up this morning, I would have completely agreed with her, but now… Now, I don’t know what my future looks like once I have this conversation with Cole. I’m not sure I can get past his deception.

Despite Damian’s words that I’m theirs forever, I know they will always choose each other over me. Will tonight be my last night here? Will they side with him? My chest aches at the thought of my support system turning on me. I push away the tears that tickle my eyes.

“You alright?” she asks. I don’t miss the concern in her voice.

Grinning widely, I assure her. “Yeah, I just need to get some food in me.”

I waste no time digging into the food. My teeth sink into the burger and the juices run down my chin. Damian assured me that the bun was gluten-free. He’s piled my plate with corn on the cob, a baked potato and some fruit.

“We’re thinking of a May wedding, next year, at a vineyard. We have a few in mind.” Cassie’s in full bride mode and I love seeing how excited she is planning her special day. I watch Anthony, who’s staring at his fiance with admiration as she passionately talks about the color schemes she’s going back and forth on. “I better see all of you there,” she insists.

“Yes, no exceptions,” Anthony adds. “You have plenty of notice.”

Damian swallows a bite of food. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world. We know how important it is for Thea to support Cassie.”

I check my phone, but don’t see any missed messages from Sutton or Cole. I turn to Wesley. “When is Sutton supposed to get here?”

“He texted me about an hour ago. He’s on his way.”

I’m about to take another bite of my burger when my eyes connect with a familiar face across the patio. He doesn’t see me, but I would recognize him anywhere.

Tipping back a beer, I watch in silent panic as that night rushes back to me. His face flushed red and a vein bulging in his forehead as he screamed at me after opening my passenger door.

My food drops to my plate and my eyes search for an exit strategy. There’s no way out without possibly catching his attention.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Cassie’s hand rests on my arm and it makes me jump, knocking over Wesley’s drink.