“Everything you need for your shower is in there. Towels. Shampoo. Lotion. If there’s anything you can’t find, let me know. Take your time. I’ll be upstairs whenever you’re finished.”
Cole leans down and kisses my forehead before heading up. I’m sure I must be dreaming. Any second I’m going to wake up.
I watch as Thea follows Cole downstairs. She isn’t who I was expecting when he told me he’d went on a first date. And I certainly didn’t think he’d bring her around this soon.
She’s not his usual type. I mean, I can see how she would appeal to him, but he’s read her all wrong. The few women that Cole’s brought home in the past have been… innocent looking. Big smiles with nothing much going on behind the eyes kind of women. He falls for that eyelash batting and doe-eyed thing.
Thea’s big blue eyes must have fooled him because she’s not innocent and she’s definitely not going to bat her eyelashes to get what she wants. I could tell as soon as she stepped up to me and took my hand. I’m an intimidating guy and my cold stare only made her stand straighter.
There’s some darkness in her. I don’t know if Cole can handle it.
Serves him right. He’s been distant lately. It’s pissing me off. I don’t know if it’s because of her or if he has something up his ass. Either way, we’re going to have to have a sit down. Tonight, I’ll let him have his fun. I’d be lying if I said I’m not jealous. Thea’s exactly my type.
The moment I walked into the living room and saw that long dark hair waving down her tits, I had to restrain my thoughts. She’s small, no more than five-seven, and curvy. Even in her yoga pants and loose top, I can imagine her in nearly nothing.
When they walked past me, I couldn’t help sneaking a peek at her ass. Fuck, it was full and round, perfect for what my hands are capable of. My cock twitches at the thoughts that swirl in my head.
I walk to the kitchen and wait for Cole to come back up. He knows the rules of the pact and he’s walking a fine line of breaking it. He should have told us he was planning on taking Thea out, that he was bringing her here.
Open communication—it’s the only way the pact works.
Cole’s head bobs in to view as he comes up the stairs. “I don’t want to hear it tonight, Damian.” He pushes his curls off his forehead and opens the fridge, taking out a package of chicken.
“She seems nice.” I test the waters.
Opening a cabinet, he pulls out a bag of white rice and turns to me. “She is. Thea’s a nice girl.” The way his words come out as a warning tells me everything I need to know. He’s worried that if she’s around us, we’ll corrupt her. I chuckle to myself.
More and more these days, I think that he’s leaned into this sweet bakery owner thing a little too much and forgotten our rebellious roots. Corruption is half the fun. Fucking with no inhibitions is the other half.
I bet Thea fucks like a wild animal. She has that energy about her—dark and mysterious, like she’s into some kinky shit or wouldn’t be opposed to trying some new things.
“She new to town?” I don’t get out much, however, Willow Hill is still pretty small and you get to know people’s faces after a while. We’ve all lived here our entire lives, except for our college years, but otherwise, this has always been home.
She’s not anyone I recognize.
Cole chops some peppers, refusing to meet my gaze as he answers. “Yes. She moved here a few months ago.” He doesn’t elaborate and I’m getting annoyed.
“Where does she work?” It’s like pulling teeth. “Please tell me she doesn’t work at the bakery. You know how messy that can get.”
He looks up at me and rolls his eyes. “No, she doesn’t work at the bakery. She has a photography studio, just opened it.” I know the one he’s talking about. I’ve seen it in passing.
I nod, waiting to see if he’ll say anymore, but he turns to the stove and dumps the peppers into a pan. The sizzling breaks up the silence. “What kind of photography does she do?”
Cole sighs. “Boudoir. How many questions are you going to ask? Should I pull up a seat? Get comfortable?” He’s awfully defensive, however I’m done asking.
Boudoir. I know the style. Lingerie, sultry poses, silk sheets. Thea spends her days taking photos of nearly naked women. I smile. I love when I’m right.
“Took you long enough,” I whisper harshly into the phone. I’m sitting on the edge of the neatly made bed while the bath fills up. I get up and open the closest doors, empty aside from a few hangers.
Cassie matches my volume. “Why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know.” I can’t help the laugh that comes next. “Cass, I’m at Cole’s house. Long and crazy story that I’ll have to tell you when I see you, but oh my fucking god. His house is ridiculous! Think modern cabin on steroids.” I know that this won’t impress Cassie. Her family is wealthy, but this isn’t the type of home she’d ever live in. “The ceilings, the view, the theater room.”