As he drinks, I notice the ring on his finger. Two red stones sit inside the face of a raised wolf’s head, giving the illusion of glowing eyes. Engravings encircle the animal’s head and continue down the sides of the silver piece.
“That’s…interesting,” I comment, pointing at his finger. Something about it feels familiar, although I can’t place why.
Cole sets his drink down and rubs his thumb over the ring. “A gift from my brother. We all have one.” I wonder if he comes from a big family like Cassie. A pang of jealousy hits me.
“How many brothers do you have?”
“There’s four of us. We aren’t blood related, though. We grew up together and took care of each other when nobody cared enough to claim us most days.”
My heart lurches a little, knowing that feeling to a degree. “That must have been tough.” He nods.
“It was, but we helped each other through those hard times. I don’t know where I’d be today without my brothers.” Cole’s hazel eyes shift away. “There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.”
I don’t know what that’s like. Growing up alone and practically raising myself made me independent, possibly to a fault. At least I can count on myself to always have my back. I’d never have to worry about anyone letting me down.
Cole takes our plates and puts them in the sink. He does the dishes while I wipe down the counters and toss our aprons into the washer, despite his insistence that I didn’t need to help.
Cole is drying his hands on a dish towel with his back to the sink while I lean against the metal prep table across from him.
“Thank you for tonight. It was really kind of you to put all of this effort in because of my restrictions. It was…unexpected.” I smile and glance down, not sure how else to tell him how much I appreciate his gesture.
Looking up, I see he’s come closer to me. I can tell he’s wrestling with what to do, unsure if he should make a move or if it’s too soon. Biting my lip, I wait for him to decide—hoping he gives us what we both want.
Closing the distance between us, Cole’s palms land on the table behind me so that I’m captive between his arms.
The air between us feels electric, sparks pulse against my skin. My heart thuds so loudly I swear he can hear it. I memorize all the details of his face—his straight nose, full lips, and angular jaw. His lightly tanned skin has pink undertones. I randomly think he could pass for a surfer.
My eyes find his again. Standing this close, he’s taller than I realized. I’m at least five ten in my four-inch heels and he still has a few inches on me. His hazel eyes flicker as he holds my gaze.
I think I might lose my balance—the wine is making my head feel hazy.
Cole breaks our stare and rests his forehead on mine. For a moment I think he’s going to hold back and disappointment sits heavy in my chest. Then his lips are on mine.
I’d forgotten what it was like to be kissed. Really kissed. Not by some drunken guy in a bar that I was tricking. Or the obligatory ones from my ex. Cole steals my breath and my body is on fire.
Reminding myself to slow down, I know getting ahead of myself will leave me heartbroken. This is just a first date.
I really try to take my advice. My brain insists that I break the kiss and put some distance between us, but my body’s needs are stronger.
Our mouths move urgently. His tongue pushes past my lips, gently exploring me. My thoughts betray me and the image of it elsewhere makes warmth pool at my core.
Pulling away, I try to regain control. “Cole,” I pant. I mean to say something else, I swear I do. As he waits for what I have to say, I change course.
I kiss him this time, nipping at his bottom lip, making him groan. Cole’s firm chest presses against me and his hand encircles my waist, bringing me even closer. The power of him makes my head swim with ideas of all that he could do to me. He could lift me up easily and put me on this table. I could let him take me right here.
My arms wrap around his neck and I plunge my fingers into his curls, tugging gently—trying to anchor myself back to reality.
“Fuck,” he whispers against my mouth. His eyes slowly open, meeting mine. As amazing as this feels, I know it can’t go any further tonight. I’m not ready for that and I don’t want to ruin a good thing.
“We should call it a night,” I sigh heavily.
Cole nods in agreement, although takes his time backing away. I try to steady my breath and cool the heat inside of me. Running a hand over his jaw, I imagine he’s trying to do the same.
Peeking up from beneath his dark lashes, his voice comes out low, “Thea…You’d never have to worry about that with me.”
I know exactly what he means. He is promising that he wouldn’t cheat and I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ve learned that trust is earned. I nod my head in acceptance of his oath, hoping he can show me he means that.
Words are nothing without action. After twelve years of failure, I need follow through.