Page 37 of The Pact

That’s a secret I’m taking to the grave.

“That’s it. I’m done.” Cassie throws down her stack of cards and stands up in frustration. Anthony and Wesley have been slamming her for the last hour with draw four cards and skipping her turn just to piss her off. She might never play Uno again, if that scowl on her face is any indication.

Cole leans over the back of the couch, refilling mine and Cassie’s glasses of wine. He kisses my cheek before he returns to the kitchen. I take a sip to hide the laughter that bubbles up in my throat, afraid of her wrath.

Cassie is a sore loser. There’s no other way to say it. “If you guys would play fair and stop targeting me, then I might’ve had a chance.”

Wesley throws his hands up defensively. “Woah. Who’s not playing fair? There’s nothing in the rules about going after the competition. See, the secret is,” he says, his voice real low, “you have to form an alliance.” Wesley slaps a hand on Anthony’s back.

Laughter erupts from everyone except Cassie.

This must be the version of Wesley that’s made him the town favorite of the four brothers. I don’t get this version and I’m surprised he’s let loose this much in front of me.

From across the table, I meet his deep brown eyes and for a moment we share in that laughter together. The soft edges of his lips contrast with the powerful angles of his jaw—he’s beautiful. Then he realizes that it’s me and his bright smile fades—leaving a hardened, joyless face. It’s sobering.

Sutton throws an arm around me and my fingers instinctively entwine with his, drawing my attention away from his brother’s discontentment. I smile tightly, knowing he’ll read me like a book. He gives me a sweet grin, the double loops circling his lip glint in the light—despite the effort, it’s not lifting my mood.

He leans down, his nose brushing lightly over my ear. “Don’t let him get to you,” He whispers. Easier said than done. Something about his warm breath tickling my ear and his closeness makes pressure build between my thighs. I put some distance between us, unhooking my fingers from his.

I sneak a look back in Wesley’s direction. He’s downing the rest of his beer, smacking it onto the table and muttering ‘goodnight’ before heading down to his room.

Between Damian prying into my past and Wesley’s refusal to relax around me, I’m not sure how Cole will keep me around when half of his family doesn’t like me. At least I have Sutton. Sweet, soulful Sutton.

Damian watches his brother stalk off as he tips his beer back. His eyes connect with mine. He lifts the bottle at me and winks. My face twists in disgust and I turn to look at Cassie.

Anthony’s gotten her to calm down a little. She’s sitting in his lap and his fingers are gripping her chin so she has to meet his gaze. She’s tiny compared to him. Not only in height, she’s lean and athletic from years of playing sports while he’s tall and built like a giant.

I study them for a moment. I can’t hear what he’s saying, although with each word, I watch the tension slip from her body until she’s relaxing into him.

I grab my camera that’s been sitting on the end table and snap a couple of pictures. They’ll want this later. I’ve been doing this all night and I think everyone has gotten used to it by now. I did the same thing at the pool once the humiliation wore off.

The guys cooked some food while I photographed them, laughing and arguing. They seemed put off by it at first, but I think Cole explained it's a photographer thing.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. It brings me back to the present. Glancing back, I see Cole smiling at me.

Aside from a couple of hitches, the night was a success. It gives me hope that there will be many more like this. I can see Cassie and I lounging by the pool as the guys argue over the best way to grill a steak. Movie nights in the theater, snacking on pounds of horrible buttery and sugary treats.

I feel the smile creeping onto my face and put a stop to it—reminding myself that I’ve only known Cole for a couple of weeks. I need to slow it down because right now, my heart is going full speed.

“We should head out, it’s getting late,” Anthony announces, wrapping his arm around a tipsy Cassie. I grab her purse off of the couch and walk them to their car.

Before she climbs inside, she shuts the passenger door and I think she’s had too much to drink. I’m about to open it when she stops me.

“What was that?” She questions and I can’t tell if she’s upset, curious, puzzled or all of the above.

My face scrunches. “What?”

Cassie dramatically shoves her hand towards the house. “That! Those guys, they…they…” And I can see her stumbling to find the words. I want to help her, yet for once, I’m completely at a loss for what she wants to say. She takes a breath and centers herself. “The way they all acted in there, it was,” she pauses for a moment, “strange, Thea. It was really fucking strange.”

My mind searches and sifts through the evening’s events, looking for anything and all I come up with was Damian’s weird inquisition about Gavin and Wesley stalking off.

“I mean Cole, he’s fine, that makes sense. But Damian knowing so much about you. Holding hands with Sutton. Wesley, giving you the death stare.”

I shrug. “Like Damian said, he wants to protect his family. Was it kinda creepy? Yeah. They have money, though, so I’m sure this is normal. Your parents are well off. They never looked anyone up?” Cassie’s eyes shoot downwards. “Oh my God. Cassie, did they look me up?” My voice climbs and I have to bring the volume back down. She nods once.

I’m annoyed that I come off as someone who might need their background checked. So much for privacy.

I shake it off, for now, and continue. “As for Sutton, we were super close in college. You know that. We’d always hold hands and practically sit on top of each other. It’s not weird or anything. Wesley…well I think he hates me, not sure why. Damian must have told him I’m not a thief, so he doesn’t have to worry about me stealing his money like Cole’s last girlfriend did.” I’m rambling, but I’m still not seeing the need for her reaction. She’s blowing it out of proportion.