More than him being perfect for me is another worry that’s been haunting me. If this turns serious, how do we navigate his bond with his brothers? I would never want to drive a wedge between them. But can I see myself living here with all of them and anyone else they might bring in? Like one big happy family?
Cassie pulls me from my clashing thoughts. “How did it go with Gavin today? Did he finally get the hint?”
I wish I could give her better news. “No, unfortunately, he’s going to ‘do whatever it takes’ to get me back. Whatever that means. I give him a week before he caves and goes crying back home because he didn’t get his way.” We share identical expressions of understanding. “Get this. He says that he’s made all these changes for me. Working out, drinking less, meditation. Apparently, that was what I wanted for twelve years. Not respect or honesty or kindness. I wanted a sober Zen gym bro.” Cassie laughs wholeheartedly at my mock mediation pose. “You should have seen how pathetic he looked. Begging me to take him back and yelling across the restaurant like a lunatic.”
Cassie’s about to give Gavin the big F U, when Damian strolls into the kitchen. Her mouth snaps shut, but it’s too late. Those ice-blue eyes dance with intrigue.
“Gavin? Isn’t that your ex?” He already knows the answer. I can tell by the way he cocks his head and smirks. I mentioned it the night I met him when I was talking with Sutton. “He’s in town?” Jesus, how much had he heard? We were quiet, unless he was intentionally listening in.
“What does is matter, Damian?” I play it off coolly, knowing this could complicate things. The lie I told Cole earlier could unravel.
He shrugs. “It matters,” he states plainly.
I roll my eyes at him, figuring if I answer the question, he might leave us alone. “Yes, but not for long.”
Damian rounds the island, tapping his fingers on the marble as he comes closer to me. I back up a little, but he has me cornered. “Is he going to be a problem? For you and Cole?”
His head tilts, analyzing me as I get ready to answer. “I-I don’t think so. I told him to leave. He thought he could convince me to get back together with him.” He nods, lowering his gaze as if he’s contemplating something.
“And will you? Get back together with him?”
I grimace at his question. “Never.”
“Good. Now, what’s Gavin’s last name?” Damian demands more than asks.
I scoff. “Damian, there’s absolutely no reason you need that information. He’s leaving. Everything is fine.”
He gives me a smirk. I glance over his shoulder at Cassie. Her arms are crossed. She’s giving me a look that’s asking me if I want her to step in. I shake my head.
“Listen, I’m asking for his last name out of consideration. You can either give it to me or I’ll find it on my own. The first option earns you my respect. The second pisses me off.”
I can’t believe he’s trying to strong arm me right now. I barely know the guy. He must think I’m intimidated by him. Maybe I should be. He’s towering over me, eyes hardened and muscles taut. Unless I stand my ground, he’ll think I’m a pushover.
Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders. “First, I’d have to care about earning your respect. I don’t. Second, nothing would bring me greater joy than pissing you off.”
Cassie lets out a cackle that makes Damian scowl.
After he watched Cole and I, in the pool for who knows how long and teased his brother about it, my desire to be on good terms with him is non-existent. He can threaten me to his heart’s content.
“Theadora Noelle Griffin. Born in Atlanta, Georgia on March second. Graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in photography. Daughter of Kendra and Alan Griffin. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I told you, I work in tech. I’m giving you the option to give me his name. If you don’t, I’ll have to dig really deep into your past.”
I swallow hard. What a fucking psychopath! “You’re sick,” I snap, my jaw clenching in anger. “Tallentire.” I hate that he’s bested me. However, my past is a sensitive subject—he can have Gavin.
“Creep,” Cassie mutters under her breath. I sense she wants to say more, yet isn’t keen on being a target of his.
Damian had all of that info ready to go and memorized. “Why do you know all of that about me?” Nausea churns in my stomach as I realize he might know much more. My brows pull tightly together as I eye him suspiciously.
Damian’s mouth presses into a tight line. “I’m protecting my family and that means knowing who they associate with. You can never be too careful. For all I knew, you could’ve been a criminal with a mile long rap sheet, looking for her next mark. You could’ve been a con-artist or a murderer.”
The con-artist accusation hits home. My cheeks flush red knowing that I have conned people. The faces of the men at the bars over the last year flash through my memory. I don’t remember any of them specifically, only bits and pieces. While he’s dead on, I haven’t been caught, so there’s no proof.
“I’m none of those things. I’ve never even had a speeding ticket,” I say, hating that the tone of my voice is more defensive that I’d like it to be.
This time, he gives me a devious smirk. “I know that, now.” For a moment, with the way the kitchen lighting hits his deep auburn hair and the flame from the fireplace frames his back, he appears devilish.
I have the distinct feeling that after the night is over, Damian will find every piece of information on my ex that he can. I already know his 3 DUIs will come up. That’s about it. He won’t find the thing that worries me most because there wasn’t a police report made the night he put his hands on me.