“I don’t know. I thought I would be with Aunt Molly and she’d know what to do. You two shouldn’t be in the middle of this.”

“We’re in it with you. You might not have Molly, but you have us. I’m going to call Rachel back and ask her for advice. If he turns up, we will deal with it. You’re safe here, Faith. We will keep you safe.”

“What she said, chica,” Mateo added. Faith pulled them both in for a hug.

“Let’s finish our evening and get some rest. We still have a life to lead, and unfortunately, that means work.”

With the evening drawing to a close, Carmen made a call to Rachel. There wasn’t much that could be done until Faith’s father turned up, but at least Rachel was aware of the situation.

The next morning, Carmen found Faith subdued. Determined to turn the girl’s mood around, she suggested they go knock on a few doors and inquire about Faith’s aunt.

“Where are you going?” Mateo asked, just as Carmen and Faith were about to leave the house. It was still early and Mateo hadn’t left for work yet.

“To knock on some doors, we told you that.”

“You’re going to introduce yourself to our neighbors dressed like that?” Mateo screeched. Carmen looked herself up and down. Not seeing an issue, she looked back to Mateo, who had his face screwed up in disgust.

“What’s the problem?”

“Carmen, you cannot speak to these people in your lounge pants.”

“Lounge pants, really?” Carmen laughed. “The rest of the world call them sweat pants, Mateo.”

“That word is offensive to me now. I’m banishing it from the house. In fact, I’m banishing the offending item too.”

“Mateo, you can’t banish my sweatpants.”

“Oh yes, I can.”

“Mateo, come on,” Carmen whined.

“This is for your own good.” Mateo scooped Carmen by the elbow and dragged her towards her bedroom.

“Alright, alright, I can dress myself, thanks.”

“That is highly debatable. All I’m asking is for you to put on some jeans, maybe a fresh t-shirt.”

Grumbling the entire time, Carmen sifted through her closet. An unease crept its way over her shoulders as she skimmed through the rail of clothing. Power suits, jeans, slacks, dresses. Carmen certainly wasn’t in need of a new wardrobe. Mateo’s concerned look played over and over in her mind. At first, Carmen thought he was just busting her ass because that’s what he did, especially where fashion was concerned, but now, a different thought invaded her mind. Carmen had let herself slip. Boxer briefs and sweatpants had replaced skinny jeans. Baggy tank tops replaced slim fit t-shirts. Mateo was right, Carmen was hiding herself. But why? And when was the last time she could honestly say she’d made an effort with herself?

Selecting a pair of tight-fitting black jeans and a white short-sleeved t-shirt, Carmen changed. Just the act of putting something more fitting on made her feel different, made her feel… more.

“Now that’s more like it, Hermana,” Mateo gushed when she exited her bedroom. A slight blush settled on her cheeks.

“Let’s go, Faith,” Carmen mumbled, ushering the girl out the front door. Heat from the sun licked Carmen’s skin. Taking a moment to bask, she turned her face to the sky and soaked in the warmth.

“Which neighbor do you want to try first?” Faith asked, hands on hips, looking from one neighbor’s house to the next.

Carmen mimicked Faith’s stance. Unfortunately, in the six months Carmen and Mateo had lived in the rental, neither of them had introduced themselves to the neighbors. They’d meant to, obviously, but life took over. Mateo was busy with the boutique and Carmen, well, Carmen didn’t want to interact with anyone if she didn’t have to.

Shaking her head in annoyance with herself, Carmen gestured to the house on her left. They had to start somewhere, and that neighbor had a car in the driveway, meaning they were hopefully home. “Let’s start there.”

Faith nodded and set off towards the neighbors’ house, keen to get their search for Molly underway. The house was a well-kept two-story, unlike Carmen and Mateo’s bungalow. Carmen peeked back towards her house and noted it could do with a bit of a spruce up. The landlord wouldn’t mind if she added a fresh coat of paint.

Faith was already on the front porch before Carmen had stepped a foot in the yard. Knocking loudly, Faith rocked on her heels, looking back over her shoulder at Carmen. A nervous energy buzzed around them. Carmen was equally impatient. Not because she wanted the girl gone, but because she wanted Faith to have one more person in her corner.

A loud banging noise echoed from inside the house followed by a string of curse words. Carmen and Faith looked at each other, both sets of eyebrows reaching for the sky. Whoever was behind the door had a mouth like a sailor.

“One minute, just gotta re-attach my fucking leg.” A woman’s voice shouted.