“Why not? Not only will it drive Halle nuts, but you’ll feel confident, and sexy. Both of which you need to work on.”

“You don’t think I’m sexy?” Wow, that kinda hurt.

“Oh, I know you’re sexy, Lyds. It’s you that doesn’t!” Cathy exclaimed. “The moment you see what you do to Halle, and I mean really see the effect you have on her, you’ll find your power. And it’s not about needing someone else to validate you, it’s about you seeing yourself through their eyes, Lydia.”

“She’s right, you know,” Fe chimed in. “I might need to learn a thing or two about sex, but you need to learn how to love your body, sis.”

“How the bloody hell has this turned into a conversation about me?”

“It’s a conversation about all of us, Lydia,” Cathy soothed. “Fe is currently surfing for vibrators, so we’ve got her covered for now. It’s your turn.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say. It’s not something I can just switch off. Frankly, even when I’m in the mood for sex, and available, so to speak, I don’t often feel sexy.”

“Why not?”

“My mind just fixates on my wobbly bits. So, if I’m thinking about that, what must the person I’m with be thinking?”

“Oh love, I doubt they’re thinking anything. I’d imagine their minds would be well and truly occupied.”

“Maybe, but that’s where my head goes.”

“Have you ever voiced those thoughts to the person you’re with?”

Lydia let out a bark. “Ha, obviously not!”

“Halle will know,” Fe said pointedly. “She knows you better than anyone, I’d guess. She’s got a freaky way of reading you.”

“Gee, thanks, that puts me at ease Fe. Christ!”

“Why’s that a bad thing?” Fe shot back.

“Can we please move on? Halle and I will sleep with each other when we’re both ready. And what I think about myself is my business.”

“Okay, okay, this is supposed to be a fun night,” Cathy interjected. “Let’s get back to what we gathered here for. Fe, how’s window shopping coming along?”

Lydia leaned over Fe’s shoulder, her eyebrows shooting up when she clocked Fe’s online basket. “I’d say she’s doing alright!”

Cathy joined Lydia, smiling devilishly. “Oh my, Fe Archer. I think we’ve just found your naughty side.”

* * *

There was so much pain! There’d be less pounding if Lydia strapped her face to a bass speaker. Curse Cathy and her evil cocktail ways! Mixing alcohol had been a terrible idea, but Cathy was on a roll. They’d sampled no less than six different cocktails, all with naughty names, of course. God forbid they strayed from the theme of the night.

It was between Lydia’s third 69 and first Blow Job that things got fuzzy. There was dancing, at one point. Monty had been involved. He loved a good boogie. It’s possible Lydia paraded round in lingerie, or maybe that was just a dream.

“Oh, you look like you’re in pain.” Jesus, the hangover must be bad if Lydia was hearing Halle’s voice. “Want some coffee and painkillers? I have both.”

Cracking open an eyelid—with a substantial amount of difficulty—Lydia waited for her eye to focus. Standing by her bed, in comfy looking joggers and a crewneck sweater, was Halle. She wasn’t a figment of Lydia’s dehydrated mind.

“S’not you?” Lydia slurred.

Snickering, Halle sat on the edge of the bed. “Here, take these pills and drink this coffee. Fe and Cathy are already downstairs.”

Christ, her tongue felt like sandpaper. Doing her best to sit up without falling or vomiting, Lydia took several deep breaths. In the pit of her stomach, she felt something bad had happened last night. Something she wasn’t going to live down anytime soon, judging by the humour in Halle’s eyes.

Taking the pills and coffee silently, Lydia shut her eyes, downed her drink and prayed. Several minutes later, she was able to shuffle painfully downstairs. Cathy and Fe looked as horrendous as Lydia felt.

“I hate you.” Lydia couldn’t even shoot daggers because it hurt her eyeballs.