“Three times.”

“With the Cstar?”

“What’s the Cstar?” Fe asked, finally sipping her cocktail. The moment the creamy goodness hit her lips; Fe practically downed it.

“It’s a toy. A very efficient toy,” Cathy answered. “I have a friend who sells them. I recommended it to Lyds, and she’s never looked back, right?”

“Nope, it’s great. It was the only thing I could use for a while.”

“Why?” Looking back and forth between Cathy and Lydia, Fe looked confused.

“I often found penetration painful. Now I know it was to do with endometriosis.”

“So, should I try one out?”

“Only if that’s something that interests you, sweetie.” Cathy could see she needed to tread a little lighter. Fe might come across as brash and confident, but underneath the facade was an inexperienced woman.

“I don’t know. Clark never wanted to use anything. Before him, I only slept with one other guy, and that wasn’t anything to brag about. God, I feel like I’m missing out.”

“Good job you’re here now then!” Cathy commented, sliding over her iPad. “Let’s do some shopping.”

“Now?” Fe looked panicked. “But I don’t know if I’ll like anything.”

“We can window shop for now. Look, this is my favourite online shop. It has tons of toys, for all different tastes. Have a drink, scroll through, and see if anything stands out.”

“No pressure, sis,” Lydia added. In her life, Lydia never expected to be sitting, coaching her older sister through sex experimentation. “Cathy, make another drink, love.”

Shooting to the kitchen, Cathy made another round of Screaming Orgasms. “Hopefully tonight will be the only time your Screaming Orgasm comes in the form of a drink.”

“Window shopping remember,” Fe smiled, already scrolling. Lydia and Cathy suppressed their smirks when Fe’s eyes widened at something on the page.

“So, while she’s doing that,” Cathy began. “Care to tell me what your plan is with Halle?”

“Plan?” Damn, these cocktails were good. And boozy.

“Yeah, plan. You want to fuck, right?”

“Do you have to be so—”

“Yes, we’re big girls, we can say fuck.” Cathy glared comically.

“Whatever. Regardless of the word you want to use, yes, I want to do that with her, but my body is still being an arsehole.”

“Aunt Flo still hanging around?”

“More like her annoying cousin. I’m not having a full period, but I’m still bleeding.”

“Okay, so learn to edge,” Cathy said, rather blasé. “If you can’t go full-on, do other stuff. Get each other worked up. Then, when the time comes, so to speak, you’ll both be quivering messes, and it’ll be explosive.”

“I really think you’ve missed your calling,” Fe muttered, eyes still on the screen.

“I agree, Cath.”

“Nah, I love the museum. This is just fun. But, in all seriousness, I strongly believe people should invest in their sex lives through knowledge. Sex should be fun and satisfying. There’s no time for anything less in my book.”

“Amen,” Fe added.

“So, what do you think I should do? Plan a seduction?”