Jesus, how Lydia wished they were somewhere private, she’d do all sorts… No, wait, she wouldn’t because she was still bleeding. God fucking damn it.

“Hey, what’s that face for?”

Jolted from her frustrated mind, Lydia sighed, looking back at Halle.

“Nothing, sorry, just wandered off for a second.”

“Don’t do that, Lyds.”

“Do what?”

“Censor yourself with me. Please tell me why you looked so pissed. Did I move too fast?”

“God no.” Shaking her head, Lydia pulled Halle back to her body. “If you must know, I was thinking that I’d like us to be somewhere private.”

“We can do that,” Halle murmured, nipping Lydia’s bottom lip.

“But then I remembered…”

“Being somewhere private doesn’t mean we have to have sex, Lydia.”

“Yeah, but I want to.” Lydia’s tone was almost petulant, causing Halle to laugh.

“Lydia Archer, what kind of woman do you take me for?”

“Are you kidding me right now?”

Capturing Lydia’s face in both hands, Halle gently brushed her nose against Lydia’s. “I want you, Lydia. Make no mistake. But I gather it’s not an option right now, and I don’t want you feeling angry or frustrated. Let’s go back to your place, play with Monty for a bit and watch a crap movie. It would be the perfect end to a perfect first date.”

Chapter 21

Cathy raised her Screaming Orgasm in toast. “To a naughty girls’ night in!”

“Couldn’t we have had something like margaritas or something?” Fe asked, eyeing the cocktail suspiciously. Fe wasn’t exactly the adventurous type. A good Pinot was her limit.

“Absolutely not. You wanted a naughty night, and that’s what you’re having.”

“No one, apart from you, has said it’s a naughty night in,” Lydia commented, already halfway through her drink. Damn, that’s creamy!

“When you call me up and tell me you want a girls’ night in to educate your sister about sex, it’s a naughty night. And for your information, Lyds, you really sounded like you were coming on to me when you asked me to host this evening. I mean, you’re not my usual type, but I was tempted.”

“You said I need educating about sex?” Fe screeched.

Rolling her eyes and wincing because Fe had almost reached sonic level, Lydia finished her orgasm. “I didn’t say that. So, thanks Cathy. And just for your information, you’d know if I were hitting on you.” Lydia raised a playful eyebrow. Cathy winked, chuckling. “I said you wanted to explore a little. I told Cathy what you told me, about Clark, and his—”

“Lacking abilities,” Cathy finished.

“I didn’t say that either. Christ, Cathy, zip it.” Cathy continued to enjoy the cocktail and the mayhem she was creating. “I said it was a little vanilla, and how you were interested in broadening your horizons.”

“See, it’s a naughty night in. And I’m thrilled. Harrison is going to get a workout later, that’s for sure.” Both Archer sisters grimaced. “Oh, don’t look at me like that! I’m over 40, not dead. Maybe if you two unwound yourselves a tad, you’d be enjoying the pleasures of a good man, too. Or either, in your case, Lyds. How is Halle?” Pumping her eyebrows, Cathy bopped Lydia on the nose.

After their first date, and reality-altering kiss, Halle dropped Lydia off at her door, giving her a simple peck on the lips before leaving. They’d both decided a movie would probably lead to something else, and that it was best to say goodnight early. Lydia was so ramped up she practically booted Fe—who hadn’t bloody left—out the house so she could get rid of the sexual tension that was tying her up in knots. After taking care of that, Lydia called Cathy to gush over her perfect date.

“You know she threw me out of the bloody house, right?” Fe cackled.

“I had something to take care of,” Lydia grinned. Talking to Fe about sex was becoming less weird.

“How many times did you take care of that particular thing?” Cath asked.