“Wonderful. I haven’t been to St. James’ in a while.” They set off silently at a slow pace. They were both adjusting to the new direction their friendship was taking. With a shot of confidence, Lydia slid her hand around Halle’s upper arm. Halle looked over, smiling. So far, so good.

The temperature was just above freezing, but the sun was out, and nothing could stop Lydia from enjoying herself. Halle began remarking on different things around the park. Happy just to listen to Halle’s sexy voice, Lydia strolled along.

Conversing with Halle was always easy. Not taking into account the times things got a bit skew-whiff between them. Over the years, they’d covered most topics, meaning they didn’t have that awkward getting-to-know-you portion of a first date. They were able to ease into their time together and even though they were chatting like they usually did, there was a definite air of expectation.

With five minutes to spare until their scheduled sitting, Lydia and Halle arrived at the Ritz. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Lydia gasped. “I know it’s only fancy tea and sandwiches—”

“It’s more than that, Lyds. It’s an experience, and one I’m just as excited to take part in.”

Inside, Lydia did her best not to look completely out of place. A handsome young man in a server’s uniform took their coats. He even had white gloves on. The walls of the tearoom were white with gold leaf everywhere. Marble pillars framed the room. Circular tables adorned with white cloths that draped to the floor filled the ornate room.

“This way, please,” Mr. Posh Server said, directing them to a table in the centre of the room. Halle waited for Lydia to be seated before sitting down. “That was very chivalrous,” Lydia grinned, rolling her lips in, suppressing a nervous giggle. This was a side to Halle she’d never seen.

“Just being polite.”

“Well, I like it.”

“Good to know.” A silver cart was rolled over, brimming with heart attack inducing goodies.

“Oh yeah, okay, now we’re talking.” Small sandwiches in brioche buns caught Lydia’s attention first. As her eyes tracked over the tray, her taste buds came alive at the mere sight of the delicate cakes and scones. Jesus, they even had fresh clotted cream. “I’m going to have to spend a week in the gym, but it’s so going to be worth it!”

“I’ll be right there with you, ‘coz I plan to eat a lot of this.” Their voices were low as they discussed the best way to attack the cart without looking like gluttons. Casting a wary gaze around the tearoom, Lydia couldn’t miss how refined the other guests ate and drank their tea.

“Are you feeling a bit like a fish out of water, too?” Halle mumbled.

“Yes, completely.”

“Well, bugger them. This is our tea sitting. I say we tuck in!” Without preamble, Halle slid three sandwiches on her plate. A fourth was added as she unceremoniously shoved a cheese and pickle bun in her mouth, moaning sensually. “Holy crap, Lyds, this is delicious!” It wasn’t out of embarrassment that Lydia flushed. It was the noise Halle was making. Once again, she was inciting a riot in Lydia’s knickers.

“Champagne?” It only occurred to Lydia then, she was staring, transfixed. The server appearance hadn’t even registered.

“Please,” Halle answered, smiling up at him. “Here’s to new experiences.” Halle held up her flute to Lydia.

“And to first dates,” Lydia supplied with a wink of her own. Yeah, she could do sexy, too. Sometimes.

They ate far too much and drank enough tea to warrant bathroom breaks every ten minutes, but it was worth it. Once Lydia stopped worrying about how she would be perceived by others, the afternoon tea at The Ritz became one of the most memorable days of her life. It wasn’t one specific thing, just all the little details. Halle’s wit and charm, the ambiance, and grandeur of it all. Laughing at Halle smearing clotted cream across most of her face because she was in such a rush to eat the scone piled high with strawberry jam and cream.

“Would you like to walk for a little while?” Buttoning up her coat, Halle’s eyes were downcast. Was that a hint of nerves showing?

“I’d love to.” Repeating her earlier move, Lydia wrapped her hand around Halle’s arm as they walked.

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“So much. Thank you, Halle, it wouldn’t have been the same with anyone else.”

“It was truly my pleasure, Lydia.” Before she knew what was happening, Halle stopped, whirling Lydia round so they were face to, well, boob. Halle’s extra height put Lydia in an interesting position. Clearing her throat, Lydia diverted her eyes. A soft finger under her chin, shifted her face up. Halle’s eyes were shining, staring down at Lydia’s lips.

This is how it felt to be wanted. Lydia could feel it coming off in waves as Halle continued to gaze longingly at her. This was their moment, and what a bloody wonderful moment it was when Halle finally gave in, capturing Lydia’s mouth.

Obviously, this wasn’t the first kiss they’d ever shared, but it was completely different to the lust-filled snog they’dhad in Halle’s kitchen. Halle possessed Lydia wholly. The passion they felt before was as strong as ever, but a layer of tenderness added to what was the best kiss of Lydia’s life.

Halle pulled back minutes later, panting. Lydia was grasping at Halle’s coat like her life depended on it. That and also, she was sure if she let go, she’d probably fall arse first to the floor because her legs were jelly.

“Can that be our official first kiss?” Halle whispered; her face still dangerously close to Lydia. All it would take was a slight shift, and they’d be lip locked again. This time, though, Lydia wasn’t sure she’d be able to stop.

“Yes. And wow!”

“I was definitely going for wow.”