“Take that back right now, Lydia Archer!” Fe’s tone made Lydia reel back slightly. “I will not have you say such things anymore. You are beautiful, just the way you are. Yeah, I got the height, but you got those curves. I know you see them as a curse, but I wish you wouldn’t. You enchanted Halle from the get-go! And that girl had every lesbian from here to Scotland wanting a piece. But she only had eyes for you. Ha, actually, she mainly had eyes for your killer boobs.”

“Oh my God,” Lydia laughed.

“The point is, Lydia, you need to stop comparing yourself to me, or anyone else. You are a fox.”

“That was one good speech, sis.”

“Then listen to it.” Lydia could see the sincerity in Fe’s eyes.

“Okay, then you listen to me when I say it’s not your fault Clark strayed. That’s on him. And now is definitely the time to explore sexually, if that’s what you want.”

“I don’t know Lyds. My vibrator is older than the kids. I’m not exactly with the times. Missionary was as exciting as it got for us.”

“Ugh, that’s no good. We need to get you some supplies. You don’t need a partner to explore, Fe.”

“Do you have accessories?”

“Yes. And I’ve got recommendations. Hey, why don’t we have a girls’ night with Cathy? She’s the one who steered me in the right direction.”

“Outstanding. Okay, now back to the date. You have exactly 10 minutes before Halle shows up. Do you want a shot?”

“Can I have two?”

* * *

Fe was wrangled into the kitchen. Lydia did not want her first interaction with Halle to be overshadowed by a hyperactive sister. “Stay in here, with the door closed.”

“Oh, come on, I want to see what Halle looks like. And how she reacts to this.” Fe waved her hand up and down the length of Lydia’s body.

“Fe, please. Just this once, will you do as you’re told?” Lydia’s palms were sweating at this point. Fe evidently saw the very real stress her sister was experiencing. “Okay, okay. Calm down. I’ll stay here. Can I at least look through the blinds when you’ve left?”

“Yes. Do that.” Their conversation was interrupted by Lydia’s rather fancy sounding doorbell. “Crap.”

Laughing, Fe twirled Lydia round by the shoulders and shoved her towards the door. “Go get her tiger!”

Smoothing the dress down, unnecessarily Lydia took a steadying breath before unlatching the door. In a slow opening sweep, the door revealed Halle standing with a bunch of wildflowers.

Accustomed to seeing Halle in leisurewear, Lydia bit her tongue to keep in the very sexual growl building in the back of her throat. Holy hell in a handbasket, Halle looked divine.

“Lydia, wow!” Halle’s eyes were scanning every inch of Lydia’s outfit, her eyes wide.

“Right back at ya!” Lydia swallowed loudly. Halle stood at least six inches taller in gorgeous patent black heels. Fitted red trousers and a white button-up shirt, underneath a long woollen coat. Her usually shaggy hair was slicked back with a side parting. Dark make-up gave her a dangerous vibe, and Lydia liked it. A lot!

“These are for you!” Halle stepped forward as she handed over the flowers. Completely captivated, Lydia took them automatically, her eyes never leaving Halle’s.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful.”

“Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful woman.”

“Wow, that was one hell of a line Halle Cartwright,” Lydia replied, grinning. Halle’s eyes sparkled.

“Get used to it. Are you ready to go? Our ride is waiting.” Peeking over Halle’s shoulder, Lydia noticed the black cab.

“No Nora?”

“Not today. I’d like our date to start off complaint free.” The wink Halle gave produced a heavy thud of Lydia’s heart. Oh boy.

The cab pulled up half an hour later, but not at the Ritz. Confused, Lydia looked to Halle, who was already paying the fair. Outside, Lydia noted they were at St. James’ Park. “I thought we could take a walk first. We’re early, and it’s a beautiful day.”