“In the Atlantic? In winter?”

“They do it in swimming pools too, Lyds,” Halle smiled.

“If I’m going to do it, I want to see fish. Anyway, I was thinking, and it might sound really lame but…”


“I’d like to get all dressed up and have afternoon tea at the Ritz.”

Halle gave a low whistle. “Damn, that’s a good one. Have you ever been to the Ritz?”

“Nope. I always wanted to.” Pausing, Lydia knew this was a good time to see if Halle was open to a date. “I was thinking… you could be my date.”

“Sure, let’s get it booked.” Hale whipped out her phone and began tapping away. Lydia felt a little deflated, knowing Halle hadn’t picked up on her meaning.

“I mean a proper date,” she blurted. Halle’s fingers stilled. Her eyes slowly rose from the phone screen.

“You mean… sorry, what do you mean? I don’t want to presume.”

“Halle, will you go out with me?”

These little staring sessions were becoming a thing. Halle searched Lydia’s face, whilst Lydia tried to keep a confident stance. Was her eyelid twitching?

“Yes, I’d like to go out with you.”

The rush of air Lydia expelled was audible. “Great, good. Great. Um… I’m going to take my bedroom boxes up. Right, yeah, okay.” Blithering idiot.

Lydia had never moved so fast in her life.

In her new bedroom, she face planted on her new four-poster bed. The execution was far from elegant, but she’d achieved her goal. Lydia and Halle would go on a date. A fancy one at that. The fact that having afternoon tea at the Ritz could make a great date had only occurred to Lydia a few fleeting seconds after the Ritz has popped into her mind.

Although, as Lydia mentally catalogued her wardrobe, she knew there wasn’t one piece of clothing that was suitable for such a glitzy place. Picking her phone from her back pocket, Lydia sent a message to Fe.


I did it! I asked.


Yes, girl!


Please never use that expression again. Anyway, we’re going to the Ritz for afternoon tea.


Wowzer, that’s posh!


I have nothing to wear. I don’t think they appreciate lounge wear.


Um, not so much. Never fear, dear sister. We shall go shopping!
