Flight suit on, Lydia made her way to the plane. Halle was right by her side, almost tucked into her body. “How you feeling?” she shouted over the engines.

“Fantastic,” Lydia shouted back, smiling widely. Holding up her palm, Halle gestured for another high five. Lydia rolled her eyes but obliged.

They strapped in and‌ waited as the plane taxied. Everyone was in high spirits. Lydia glanced over at Halle, who had buckled in on the other side. Her face was so open and happy, Lydia felt her stomach flutter, and she knew it had nothing to do with the upcoming jump.

Jimmy stood, signalling it was time for everyone to get into position. Roy and Angel were first, followed by Lydia and Bob, leaving Halle and Jimmy until last. Roy still looked like he wanted to hurl. His brow showed visible beads of sweat.

Looking nervously at Angel, Lydia could tell Roy was close to backing out. Waving to get his attention, Lydia gave him her best smile and two thumbs up, hoping it would give the guy a little encouragement. They held eye contact for a few seconds until Roy nodded. Straightening himself, Roy stood in front of Angel, allowing himself to be clipped in.

Jimmy slid open the door. The wind and noise physically took Lydia’s breath away. Giving the signal, Jimmy tapped Angel on the shoulder. Without pause, he gripped the edges of the door and threw himself and Roy out of the plane.

“Holy shit!” Lydia then realised it was her turn. Bob clipped her harness, giving her one last questioning look. It was the “Are you ready to do this” look. Lydia smiled at Bob and then looked to Halle, who mouthed, “I’m so proud of you.”

Swallowing the sudden rush of emotion, Lydia let Bob guide her to the door.

It was now or never.

Chapter 18

Gripping the dew-soaked grass between her fingers, Lydia stared up at the cloudless sky. Her heart was still in her throat and probably wouldn’t calm down any time soon. She’d done it!

Closing her eyes, Lydia envisioned the moment Bob pushed them out of the plane. The intensity of the wind and noise still coursed through her ears.

Instead of feeling as if she were falling, Lydia remembered the sensation of flying. Soaring above the world, seeing earth in a whole new way. Adrenaline pumping through her system as they flew faster and faster.

Bob pulled the chute earlier than Lydia wanted. It was an experience she never wanted to end and was quite possibly now addicted to.

After they’d landed safely, Bob unclipped them and patted Lydia on her back, who was still in a state of awe. Unable to hold a conversation yet, which Bob and Angel found rather amusing. They moved away from the landing area, waiting for Halle and Jimmy.

Halle was beaming as her feet touched the ground. Jimmy hardly had time to unclip them before she raced over to Lydia, scooping her up and twirling them around. “That was incredible!”

Lydia laughed uncontrollably as they spun. Eventually Halle put her down to high five and chat with the instructors. Lydia dropped to the ground and star-fished, enjoying the last remnants of dopamine in her system.

A shadow blocked Lydia’s view. Squinting, she focused on Halle looking down at her. “You all good down there, Lyds?”


“Can I join you?”

“Sure,” Lydia sighed happily. Dropping, Halle rolled to her back, mimicking Lydia. They lay silently, staring up at the sky. It was only when Lydia felt Halle’s hand gently take her own, lacing their fingers together, that she broke her gaze.

Halle was staring up, smiling. Lydia let her eyes wander across Halle’s face, tracing the outline of her nose down to her chin. Halle’s bronze skin glowed in the morning sun. Or Lydia was that taken with the woman, and she was seeing things!

“You did it, Lydia! How do you feel?”

“Amazing! Just… God, I’m speechless. I can’t believe I finally did it. What did you think?”

Halle turned to look at Lydia. “I think it was one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. I want to jump on the plane and do it all over again.”

Lydia laughed, “Oh my God, me too!”

“You ladies okay down there?” Lydia and Halle raised their heads to look at an amused Jimmy.

“Bloody brilliant,” Lydia called.

“Fan-sodding-tastic,” Halle added.

“That’s what we like to hear. You wanna come into the hangar for a cuppa? You’re gonna freeze your bums off if you stay down there too long!”