“I had a patient who was from Norway. I’m still in touch with him. I’m sure I could call and ask for some travel advice.”


“Why what?” Halle looked perplexed.

“Why would you do that? This is my list.”

“Shit, I’m butting in again, aren’t I?”

“No! I just wondered why you’re so into helping?”

“Cause it’s something important to you, Lyds. Everyone should have the chance to live their dreams. It’s unfortunate that so many people never get to.”

“What are your dreams?”

Smiling, Halle held Lydia’s gaze. “That’s a discussion for another day.”

“That’s not fair,” Lydia pouted. Halle smiled her megawatt smile and Lydia melted a little inside.

“Eat your pizza.”

Blowing a raspberry, Lydia shoved a piece of pizza in her mouth. Halle belly laughed at her antics. Exactly what Lydia hoped would happen. Halle had the best laugh.

Finishing the last crust, Halle tidied everything away. “Ready for a pint?” It took Lydia a few seconds to remember they were supposed to be meeting people at the pub. A not so small part of her was disappointed. Hanging with Halle was always fun and easy. “Yes, let’s go. See you soon, Monty.”

“Fancy walking by the park first? It’s a pleasant night.”

“Sure.” Because that’s not romantic at all!

They were the last to arrive at The Royal Oak. Lydia ignored Cathy’s raised eyebrows. Instead, she hugged Elise and then Harrison. While Halle was busy saying her hellos, Lydia leaned into Cathy’s embrace. “Stop looking at me like that,” she whispered.

“No idea what you’re talking about, sweetie.”

“Hmmm. What’s everyone drinking?”

“I’ll get this round, Lyds. You relax.” Halle was making her way to the bar before Lydia had the chance to argue. Unable to control herself, she tracked Halle’s supple arse across the pub. Only Cathy’s unsubtle throat clearing snapped her back to the table.

“Everyone had a good day?” Lydia stuttered.

Cathy sniggered. “Smooth. Why were you late?”

“Oh, um, we took a detour to the park first.”

“Really. That’s… cosy.”

“Not really. Just taking advantage of the dry weather.” Even Lydia didn’t believe her own bullshit. The walk had been romantic. Even if Halle didn’t mean it to feel that way, it had. Lydia couldn’t help but feel they were edging towards… something.

“Here y’are,” Halle announced, setting a large tray in the centre of the table. Everyone reached over, taking their respective orders. “Did Lyds tell you she’s going to Norway?”

“Halle,” Lydia laughed.

“When?” Cathy shrieked.

“Not anytime soon. Calm down. Halle is getting way ahead of herself.”

“Am I?” Halle challenged, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

“Yes,” Lydia laughed.