“You don’t have to stay with me, Halle.”

“I want to. Come on, have a drink.”

Running a hand through her hair, Lydia took a cleansing breath. “Thanks.”

Sitting in silence, Lydia knocked back the champagne. Fatigue set in. Halle was looking at her. “You have a doctor’s appointment on Monday, right?”

Nodding, Lydia massaged her temples. “Yeah, all the good it will do.”

“He’s still not listening?”

“Nope.” Lydia had pleaded with Dr. Watson for over three years to be taken seriously. Every time he downplayed Lydia’s symptoms and offered her another birth control pill. Each time insisting Lydia stick at it for at least six months. Surely, he was running out of pills to try by now. None of them worked. They simply extended her period, which was the last thing Lydia needed.

“I have a suggestion. How about I come with you on Monday? I’d say take Fe, but I think the two of you could do with some space. Maybe if you have someone with you, he’ll be less quick to dismiss you.”

Lydia sat back, studying Halle. No one had ever offered to go along with her to an appointment. “You’d come to a doctor’s appointment with me?”

“Of course. I should have offered sooner. I know you’ve been having troubles. I just didn’t want to overstep, but… well, now I think the good doctor is taking the piss. No one should suffer the way you are.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“I don’t understand why the doctor is being so… well, dickish. I could kind of understand if you were under the NHS.”

“I sometimes wish I was. I think I would have got somewhere by now.”

“Still no luck finding another GP?”

“Nope, even private doctors aren’t taking on new patients.”

“Want another?” Halle pointed to Lydia’s empty glass. As tempting as it was, Lydia knew too much alcohol would exacerbate the pain. She only had three days until the worst of her symptoms would kick into high gear.

“No, I think I’ll call it a night.”

“No worries. Let’s grab a ride home.”

“You can stay, Halle. There were plenty of ladies giving you the eye in there.”

“Nah, not tonight. Let’s go.”

* * *

A dull thud hovered at the back of Lydia’s head. She should have drunk more water when she got back last night, but tiredness had won out and she’d collapsed in bed after only half a glass of H2O.

Monty lay half under the covers, his back legs stretched out onto the pillow next to Lydia. He’d always slept like that in her bed. When he was a pup, Lydia worried he would suffocate, or overheat, but no matter how many times she moved him, Monty crawled his top half back under the duvet, leaving his hind quarters outside.

Giving Monty a quick bum scratch, Lydia rolled over, grabbing her phone. Predictably, Fe messaged her first thing. An apology that Lydia wasn’t quite ready to accept. Dropping the phone back on her bedside table, Lydia’s mind wandered back to Halle’s offer to accompany her to the doctor’s tomorrow. A lump formed in her throat, threatening to choke her up. Why was such a paltry offer making her so emotional?

Lydia didn’t have time to overthink. The thudding on her front door put a stop to any meandering thoughts. Rolling her eyes, Lydia checked her phone. Fe hadn’t messaged again, but considering she’d sent Lydia a message three hours ago without a response, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know who she’d find standing on the other side of the door.

Grabbing her fluffy robe, Lydia padded to the door, unlatched it, and turned to go to the kitchen. Fe walked in, looking a little worse for wear. “Tea?” Lydia called over her shoulder.


“Buttery toast?”