“If they did, I’ve not heard. I was still mulling it over.”

Cathy licked off a large dollop of cream, getting it all over her face. Leaning over, Lydia wiped it off with the napkin with Shaz’s number on it. “Well, you won’t have to worry about Shaz asking you out again. I’m pretty sure she thinks we’re together now,” Cathy smirked.

“I could do worse.” Lydia ducked in time to miss being pelted in the face with the aforementioned napkin.

“We should take bets on what the meeting is about. I bet we could get a pool going.”

“You do that. I’ll just hope I’m not going to get reamed out for talking back at Norris the other day.”

* * *

Lydia needn’t have worried. Sue from HR was not there to tear her a new arsehole for being disrespectful to Norris. She was there, however, to announce Norris had retired effective immediately.

The entire team was understandably shocked. A buzz of surprise and uncertainty flowed through the group. “Lydia, can I have a word?” Sue was already walking to Norris’ office, not even waiting for a reply. Casting a wary look in Cathy’s direction, Lydia followed Sue.

“I heard about what happened.” Sue was a straight-to-the-point kinda woman. “Between you and me, Norris was already on a warning for his behaviour. Once the incident between the two of you was reported, I had to take action.”

“Who reported it?”

“I can’t say. Anyway, how would you feel about stepping into the role of supervisor?”

“As much as I appreciate the offer, you should be asking Cathy.” There was no doubt in Lydia’s mind who should be the next supervisor. Lydia might have “rallied the troops”—once—over the whole Norris business, but it was Cathy who was the anchor.

“Okay, thank you. I’ll have a word with her next.” Sue ushered them both outside, cornering Cathy. Lydia smiled at her friend, hoping she’d take the job.

As soon as her shift was over, Cathy danced over to Lydia in the staff room. “I know what you did!”

“Isn’t that the title of a slasher movie?”

“Stop. Thank you, Lyds.” Cathy bear-hugged Lydia until she was going blue. “I took the job.”

“I should hope so. Congratulations, you’re going to be a great boss!”

“I know. Now, drink?”

“Can I take a rain check? I’m going to head over to Halle’s.”

Leaning against the lockers, Cathy observed Lydia. “So, you’re going for it. Taking the plunge?”

“I’m going to have a conversation. About Fe! That’s it.”


“Don’t uh-huh me.”

“I’ll uh-huh you all I like. For just a conversation, not even about you, I might add, you’re getting awfully dressed up.” Busted! Lydia couldn’t help herself. If she was going to see Halle for the first time in weeks, she wanted to look good doing it.

As much as Lydia tried to put Fe’s confession out of her mind, it was impossible. Halle had liked her for years. Years! What was she supposed to do with that?

“Nothing wrong with looking good.”

“I didn’t say there was. Just remember what I said. Keep an open mind.”

Rolling her eyes dramatically, Lydia closed her locker. “Good night, boss.”

“Night underling. Mwahahahaha!”

Lydia was still tittering to herself about Cathy’s fake malevolent goodbye when she arrived outside Halle’s flat. The lights were on, so Lydia was confident she was in.