“Yeah, it’s huge. I’m not sure I can.”


“What are they going to think when he brings me home? I’m a lot older. I know Harrison doesn’t care, but I’m not so sure dear old mum will be so pleased.”

“Maybe don’t call her dear old mum for a start. And anyway, would he ask you to meet them if he thought they’d have an issue?”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had to meet the parents, Lyds. We’re getting on so well. I don’t want this to torpedo our relationship. Families can spell disaster.”

“Oh, I know that,” Lydia laughed. “But trust him, Cath. Harrison is completely taken with you. He wouldn’t put you in harm’s way.”

“It’s a lot of pressure.” Cathy looked on the verge of tears.

“Hey, look at me.” Cathy reluctantly held eye contact. “You are wonderful together. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel otherwise. If you’re really uncomfortable, tell Harrison. But trust in him, and your relationship.”

“I really like him.”

“I know, honey. And he really likes you.”

“Okay. I’ll meet them. Jesus, I hope his parents drink!”

“Want another hot chocolate?” Lydia was more than happy to spend a little more time in the cosy café. Monty was with her mum, and Lydia didn’t feel like going back to her empty flat. Although she really should think about packing. The house sale was moving fast, and Lydia had nothing organised.

“Sure. Can I have chocolate syrup on the cream?”

Making her way to the counter, Lydia thought about the situation with Halle. How the hell was she going to navigate it? Halle’s hurt face sprung to mind, causing a cramp in Lydia’s tummy. She’d sent Halle away, not knowing the full depth of the woman’s feelings towards her. Now Lydia felt like a cold bitch. Should she have heard Halle out? Probably, but all Lydia could think and feel at the time was hurt and, if she was honest, betrayal. From both Halle and her sister.

Deep in her thoughts, Lydia missed the barista talking to her. “Hmm, what? Shit, sorry. Um, two hot chocolates please, one with chocolate syrup on the cream.”

“Sure. Small, medium or large?”

“Medium please.”

“I’m Shaz, by the way. I just started working here. I’ve not seen you before.”

“I’m a regular. It’s just been a few days. How are you liking it?”

“Love it. The place is cosy, and the locals are great.”

“Great.” Shaz made their drinks, all the time chatting to Lydia. If she wasn’t mistaken, Shaz was flirting.

“Here you go. Enjoy.”

Lydia gave her a smile and headed back to Cathy as fast as she could. “I think Shaz was flirting with me!”

“Who the bloody hell is Shaz?”

“The new barista.”

“I’d say she was. Look, she gave you her number on a napkin. Wow, do people actually do that? I’ve seen it in movies and in books, but wow. Yeah, she wants your body, Lyds.”

“Well, this body is out of bounds.”

“Shame. She could be a bit of fun.”

“Nope. Now, moving on, did you get the email from Sue?”

“About the meeting? Yeah. Do you think someone actually reported Norris?”