There wasn’t much of a segue, but Lydia didn’t mind. Fe needed to get some things off her chest. “You did.”

“I’ll never forgive myself for that, Lydia.”

“Please don’t say that. I had Cathy. Yes, I wanted you and Halle there, but it’s done.”

“I should’ve been there.” More tears fell.

“Please stop crying. You’ve had just as much going on as me. We both could’ve done better.”

“How did it go? Are you okay?”

Blowing out a breath, Lydia thought about Elise’s words post operation. “They removed a lot of tissue. That should help with the pain. The doctor said I could find it hard to get pregnant.” Those last words came out as a whisper. Emotion choking Lydia up.

“Oh, sis. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m not infertile. I could still carry a baby. It just might take a while.”

“I know you’re gonna have babies, plural. I can feel it in my waters.”

Lydia burst out laughing. “Are you 80?”

“Grandma always said it, and she was always right,” Fe grinned.

“Well, if Granny said it!”

“Have you seen Halle?” Bloody hell, Fe was giving Lydia whiplash with the change of subjects.

“Not since she came to my flat.”

“She told me what happened.” Fe looked down at her hands again. Lydia waited. “Remember that day you got back from your date with the nurse?”


“I was going to tell you something.”

“I remember.”

“God, this is hard. Okay, here goes. Halle Cartwright has been in love with you since we were teenagers. She never did or said anything because I asked her not to. Do you hate me again?”

Lydia sat stunned. “Sorry, Halle what now?”

“Halle is in love with you. Has been for nearly 20 years.”

“And you told her not to tell me.”

“Yes. I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, you’ve said that a lot.” What in the world was she supposed to do with all that information?

“It was never my position to tell you how she felt. But it was my fault she never did it herself.”

“Why were you going to tell me that night?”

“Because Halle was so upset. That’s why we fell out at the pub. Halle wanted to ask you out, but you said you weren’t going to date anyone. Then you went out with that hot nurse and it devastated Halle. She blamed me, and rightly so.”

“I… I don’t know what to say.”

“Do you want to slap me? That might help.”