“How’d you figure that?”

“You’d move in together, start a life apart from me. It would only be a matter of time before we all drifted apart.”

“No offence, sis, but that’s stupid.”

“Is it? Think of all the friends we had growing up. How many of them are we in touch with? Hardly any, because life moves on. They got married, had kids and that was that.”

“We’re sisters, Fe.”

“And Dad was our father, but that didn’t stop him from leaving.”

Clutching Fe’s hand, Lydia shifted closer, dropping her voice. “Fe, whatever happened between Mum and Dad, is between them. He had his reasons, and it hurts to think we weren’t a good enough reason to stick around, but that’s on him. Mum stayed. She gave us enough love and encouragement for two parents. We always had each other, too. Even when I annoyed you, or you pissed me off.” They chuckled. “One person leaving doesn’t mean everyone will. I hate my life without you, sis. It’s miserable. You’re always the first person I want to tell about things happening in my life. These past few weeks have sucked.”

“I’m sorry. I was so ashamed of my behaviour; I couldn’t bring myself to face you.”

“So, what changed?”

“I lost you. And yes, I lost Halle. I feel like everything is spiralling and I don’t know how to get through it.”

“You’ve not lost me, Fe. But things need to change.”

“Oh, I know. I’ve booked myself in for counselling.”


“Yeah, Mum kind of made me.”

“Wow, I didn’t see that coming.”

“I know you think she’s always on my side, but it’s not how it looks.”

“Really?” Lydia laughed, raising her eyebrow in disbelief.

“Really! Mum knows you’re stronger than me. More resilient. Look at everything you’ve gone through over the past three years. Most of it by yourself. You are strong, Lyds. I’m not like that. Mum knows it.”


“No, it’s true. But this time, instead of coddling me, she talked to me. We had quite the discussion last night.”


“Yeah. I sort of broke down on her and told her everything. About finding her crying, that sort of thing.”

“That must’ve been hard for you both.”

“More for me, I think. Did you know Mum went to a therapist?”


“Yup. For about five years after Dad left. That’s why she told me to make an appointment.”

“And you did.”

“I did. I don’t want my kids growing up with issues. I also don’t want to drive people away because of them.”

“Do it for you, Fe. That’s the best reason.”

“I missed your surgery.”