“I watched Joey bury Jack’s head in a bucket of sand last week. Jenny stood by, laughing maniacally. They’re only five. What the hell will they be like as teens? Jesus, I shudder to think.”

“Oh shit, I think that’s my fault. I told Joey about the time Fe buried me alive on holiday.”

“Ha, don’t tell Fe that.”

“Don’t tell me what?” Fe said from behind them.

“You made it, finally.” Lydia was an expert at redirecting a conversation. “I hear it was bedlam at home.”

“There were tears, tantrums, more tears and then a glass of wine for me. But it’s all sorted and I’m ready to have another drink. What are we having?”

After a short debate, Fe ordered a bottle of champagne and a tray of shots. The trio drank liberally and danced with abandon. Lydia had to admit she was pleased Fe and Halle made her come out.

“Hey li’l sis, you’ve got an admirer,” Fe slurred. Lydia followed Fe’s gaze to a table at the edge of the dance floor. A very pretty blond sat staring at her, making no bones about the fact she was checking out Lydia’s ample breasts.

“No thanks,” Lydia answered, continuing to dance.

“Oh, come on. She could be the one,” Fe pushed.

“Fe, leave her be,” Halle interjected. “Lyds told you she doesn’t want to date.” Fe shot Halle a look before returning her attention back to Lydia.

“Sis, you can’t just swear off people. This woman might surprise you.”

“Do you know her?” It was becoming crystal clear now. This was a set-up. “Fe, did you invite her here tonight to meet me?” Lydia’s anger was rising rapidly.

“Just go and talk to her.”

Seething, Lydia stormed off the dance floor towards the woman. “Hi, I’m Lydia, but you already know that, right?” Not giving the blond a chance to talk, Lydia forged on. “Okay, let’s see if you’re still interested after this. If you date me, you will have to go weeks, sometimes months, without sex. Deal with mood swings and an overall depressive-like state at least two weeks out of every month. There will be times I won’t want to leave my flat, not even to visit you. How does that sound? Still want to go on a date?”

“Um…” Lydia quirked her eyebrow at the stunned blond. “I…”

“I didn’t think so. Sorry you came all the way here for nothing. Have a drink on me.” With that, Lydia slipped a ten-pound note on the table and left. Walking in the opposite direction of her sister, Lydia headed for the outside terrace. If Fe tried to speak to her, they’d get into it, and it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Hey, hey, what happened?” Lydia whirled round to face Halle, who had a hand on Lydia’s shoulder.

“Did you know she was bringing someone?”

“No, I swear. You know what she’s like. I would have told her not to, if I’d known.”

“Why is no not in her fucking vocabulary?” Lydia was breathing heavily. “Out of everyone she knows the crap I go through; how could she not understand? I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with dating anymore. I have enough pain in my life. I told her no, Halle!”

“I know, I know.” Lydia felt Halle’s arms engulf her petite frame. “She doesn’t mean to upset you, Lyds. Fe just wants you to be happy.”

“I don’t need a partner to be happy. I need the doctor to listen to me. I need to have a life without pain. Of course, I want to find love, who doesn’t, but it’s not going to happen until I get my health sorted out.”

“It’s okay, Lyds. I’ll talk to her. Sit here. I’m going to grab us a drink and tell your meddling sister to stay clear of you for a little while.”

The cold air felt good on Lydia’s heated skin. A sliver of guilt wormed its way through her chest. She shouldn’t have spoken to the woman like that. It wasn’t her fault Fe had gone against Lydia’s wishes. Crap, should she go back inside and apologise? Surely that would make everything way more awkward. No, it was done. Hopefully Halle could get through to her pig-headed sister.

“Here, drink this.” Halle’s voice made Lydia jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I zoned out. Did you speak to Fe?”

“Yeah, that went well, as expected. I put her drunk arse in a taxi.”

Lydia huffed. “Thanks, and sorry I spoiled your night.”

Halle sat next to Lydia, her legs straddling the bench seat. “You didn’t ruin a thing. Fe was out of order. That’s on her.”