“Do you want to come to the office now and get the paperwork started?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

This was probably the only time Lydia enjoyed sifting through a ton of paper. Her hand was cramping from all the signatures she’d had to scribble. Once that was done, though, Lydia only had to go to the bank and set up payment for the deposit. After a surveyor had visited, she’d be able to close and move in.

Clinking glasses, Lydia, and Cathy drank liberally. “How’re you feeling, Ms. Homeowner?”

“It’s not a done deal yet.” Lydia didn’t want to jinx anything.

“Pish. Darren, Dillan, whoever the bloke was, wants a sale. You’re a cash buyer. He’s not going to bugger that up. Neither is Meredith.”

“Let’s hope so. It would be great to move in before spring.”

“We can have a moving-in party.”

“We can have plenty of parties.” The server deposited their focaccia pizza before bustling off. The smell of garlic and sundried tomatoes was heavenly.

“How’s everything going on down below?”

Lydia caught herself before she choked on her lunch. “Cathy. There’s a time and a place, you know.”

“Yeah, it’s here and now. Who do you think is listening? Look, everyone’s glued to their phones.” Casting a quick look around, Lydia couldn’t argue.

“Everything’s fine. I’m due to start my period next week, so I’m not looking forward to that.”

“But you should feel better? Less pain?”

“That’s the aim. Elise says I should notice a change in my emotions, too. Hopefully, I won’t be going off the deep end again.”

“You’ll call me if you feel down? We can have a girls’ night.”

“Deal.” Lydia noticed Cathy playing with her food. “Everything okay with you?”

“Perfect. I wanted to ask… are you planning on talking to Fe?”

“Where’s that coming from?”

“She may have stopped by the museum yesterday.”

Setting her cutlery on the table, Lydia wiped her mouth. “What did she want?”

“I’m not sure, to be honest. She had the kids with her.”


“Well, she didn’t ask for you, but it was pretty obvious she was looking. The kids definitely wanted to see you. Jenny kept tugging Fe’s coat, demanding to see you.”

“She has my number.”

“And you have hers.”

“Not this time, Cathy. If she wants to talk, I’ll listen, but she needs to come to me. I’m tired of the game playing. I could have handled a bit of sulking, but the way she flew off the handle was insane. I didn’t deserve what she said.”

“I know, sweetie, I’m not picking sides. I just know how close you were. And I know you’re missing the kids.”

“I am missing them. The last thing I want is for them to feel abandoned by me, but I also can’t let Fe think she can use them as emotional blackmail.” If she were being honest with herself, Lydia nearly caved in every hour. Knowing her niblings were already going through a shitty time having their parents split up gnawed away at her. They were only five, no way near mature enough to understand the nuances of grown-up thoughts, feelings and actions. She wanted to send them a gift, to let them know she was still around, but Cath had reminded her in no uncertain terms a gift was no substitute for Lydia’s presence in their lives.

“Agreed. Maybe you could talk to your mum. See where things stand.”