“Oh sweetie, yes! I can totally see you living there. Monty would love it. All that garden space. Can I come with you to look?”

“Of course.”

“What’s this next one? Appearance? You’re not thinking of getting nipped and tucked, are you? Lydia, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

“Alright Bruno Mars, calm down. I’m just getting a new hairstyle. I want to go shorter and… something. I’ll talk to the stylist.”

“Bruno sang, ‘Girl you’re amazing, just the way you are,’ not perfect the way you are.”

“Whatever. It still stands.”

“Why are we talking about Bruna Mars?” Harrison asked setting the tray of drinks down.

“We’re not. We were discussing hair.”

“Bruno has got nice hair.”

“Harrison, honey, we’re not talking about Bruno or his hair.”

“I’m confused.” Taking a sip of beer, Harrison proceeded to read his book. Tittering between them, Lydia and Cathy clinked their glasses.

“So, after the haircut, your lists says you’ve decided to kill yourself.”

Lydia choked on her beer. “No, it doesn’t.”

“Yes. It says you’re going to throw yourself out of a plane, then off a bridge and then drown yourself.”

“Bloody hell, Lydia!” Harrison exclaimed, looking alarmed.

“It does not say that Harrison. It says skydiving, bungee jumping and scuba diving.”

“Cat, Jesus! You scared the piss out of me.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Cathy sat up straighter. “Call them what you like. It’s stupid and suicidal!”

“Alright, so I won’t ask you to come with me then.”

“No, and if you value life, you wouldn’t either.”

“Moving on,” Lydia chuckled. “Do you think I’d be nuts to try to have a baby?”

“Wow, okay, back up. You’ve gone from a new haircut to getting pregnant?”

“No. But you heard what Elise said. It could be difficult for me and I’m already in my 30’s. What if I wait too long and it doesn’t happen?”

“I’ll donate,” Harrison chipped in, leaving both Lydia and Cathy slack jawed.

“Harrison, that’s…” Lydia didn’t know how to finish her sentence. Casting a glance at Cathy, she was happy to see her friend smiling at her man. Phew, that could have gone differently.

“The offers there, for when you’re ready. Cath and I don’t plan to have kids. It would make me happy to know I could help you live your dream.”

A small sob popped out from Lydia’s throat. “Thank you.” Looking away briefly to collect herself, Lydia swigged her beer. “So, you two have talked about kids?”

“It’s one of the first things we spoke of, actually.” Harrison laid his book down. “It was quite refreshing being upfront from the start.”

“He’s right. No, guesswork. We’d think of marriage, but neither of us wants children. I’d be happy to be the best aunt in the world.”

“Yeah, I could be a good friend or uncle,” Harrison added.