Muffled voices stirred Lydia. The sun had dipped considerably, so she figured a few hours had passed since she fell asleep. Was someone at the front door? Cathy’s voice rang through, clearer than whoever turned up. Lydia wasn’t expecting anyone.

Pulling herself up with a wince, Lydia laid against the headboard. Those painkillers were pretty great. She’d only felt a small pull on her wounds. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, Lydia took some time to decide if she could be arsed to leave the bed and find out what was happening, or to let Cathy handle it.

Cathy interrupted her decision-making seconds later, looking harassed. “Sorry to disturb you, sweetie. You have a visitor who is refusing to leave.”

“Who?” Lydia was still half asleep, and in no fit state to entertain anyone.

“Halle?” Well, that woke her the hell up!

“What does she want?”

“To talk.” Cathy did not look at all happy. “I told her you needed rest, but she is adamant she needs to see you.”

“Um… okay, let her in.”

“Are you sure? Don’t feel obligated, Lydia.”

“Honestly, it’s fine.” Was it fine? Not really.

“Alright. I’ll nip to the shop and pick up a few bits and bobs. I’ve got my phone.”

“Thanks, Cath.”

Lydia shuffled her bum nervously in place. Smoothing the bed covers down and then her hair, she waited. Cathy’s irritation was still clear in her tone as she told Halle to go through.

Two soft knocks sounded through the bedroom door. “Come in.”

“Hey.” Hey, that’s it, after seven days of nada? Okay, so Lydia was finding it a little harder than expected to keep her cool. The only thing that was stopping her from erupting was the look on Halle’s face as she regarded Lydia in bed, probably looking pretty rough.

“Hello. What can I help you with?”

“I deserve that. Can I come in?”


Halle moved closer; her steps hesitant. “I’m so sorry Lydia. I can’t believe I missed your surgery.”

“It’s fine. Cathy was with me.”

“No, it’s not fine. None of this is fine.”

“What do you want, Halle? If it was to say sorry, you’ve done that. I forgive you. Now I need to rest.”

“Please don’t shut me out—”

“Don’t shut you out,” Lydia scoffed. “That’s bloody rich. It’s been over a week and nothing. You almost fuck me on your kitchen floor, and then ghost me? Why, because poor Fe is upset?”

“It’s not like that,” Halle protested, but Lydia was done.

“It’s exactly like that. I can’t do whatever the hell this is, Halle. I like you and yes, I’m attracted to you, but I don’t want your drama. And with Fe, it’s always drama. She’s your best friend and I’m just the little sister. I hope you patch things up with her. You can let her know she won’t have to worry about mean old Lydia swooping in to steal her woman!”

“I’m not her woman.”

“That’s what you took from all this.” Shaking her head, Lydia laughed as she finally found the clarity she’d been missing over the past seven days. “Yes, you are. Getting upset over me and you being friends, or more, is not normal. I’m done pussyfooting around it. It’s fucking weird. I’m in my 30’s for Christ’s sake, I don’t need this playground bollocks. No matter what, you will always be hers first, and that’s fine. I need to look after myself now. I suggest we go back to the way it was before we were friends. It’s easier for everyone.”


“I’ll deal with Fe at some point, but I’m not dancing to her tune anymore. You tell her that. Oh, and she better not think of getting mum involved. Fe said she’d never forgive me. Well, that’s a two-way street. I never thought my own sister would speak to me like that.”