“No, it’s not!” Laughing with a friend felt better than worrying. “I’d quite like my drama-free life back to be honest.”

“Are you going to tell Fe?”

“That’s the million-pound question, isn’t it? I don’t want her to think I’m on his side or anything. She’s still super angry.”

“Does he want her back?”

“Yep. Knows he’s cocked up royally. I told him to talk to her, but she needs time. If he tries to get her back, now he’ll get told where to sling his hook.”

“What’s your opinion on it all?”

Blowing out her cheeks, Lydia tried to figure out what she felt. Clark had always been the one for Fe. As far as she was concerned, they loved each other fiercely. She could understand that life sometimes changed a person. Fear and anxiety changed a person, but she’d never envisioned Clark with another woman. It felt so out of character for him. Clark’s broken tear-stained face came to mind. He looked genuinely hurt, and sorry. But was that enough? He’d taken their trust and ripped it apart. Lydia wasn’t sure Fe could ever get past that. She wasn’t sure her sister should. But what would Lydia do for love? If it were her in Fe’s position, and the love of her life did what Clark did, would she be able to take them back?

“It’s just a mess. I want my family to be happy, but I don’t know what that looks like for them now. Do you think I should tell Fe what he said?”

“Tell her you ran into him and go from there. She’ll let you know if she wants details.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a police officer announcing it was safe for everyone to re-enter the museum. “Thank God, I can’t feel my toes.”

* * *

There was nervous excitement the entire rest of the day at work. Frankly, it was a welcome distraction. As the clock ticked down the hours, Lydia became more nervous. She felt completely out of her depth where Halle was concerned.

Everything to do with the woman was a puzzle. In all the years they’d known each other, they’d never strayed into this kind of territory.

Why now? That was the question that Lydia wanted answering. There had been plenty of opportunity over the years for something to develop between them. Or not, Lydia thought after a moment’s contemplation. She’d kept a respectful distance from Halle, so there was never a real possibility of them growing close.

So why now? Why had Halle sought a friendship with her? And why did that make Lydia feel all kinds of things? Lydia wasn’t in the best place to start something, even though she’d had a few dates with Zoe. Halle was different. If they were to date, it wouldn’t be a fling, or casual. It couldn’t be. There was too much on the line, too many other people to consider.

Scoffing, Lydia grabbed her bag from the locker and put on her coat. Everything she‌ came up with was guesswork. She had no idea what Halle wanted. Maybe she was going to turn up at Halle’s and be told, politely, that it was never going to happen, and Lydia should refrain from planting her lips on other people without prior consent. Yup, that scenario was the most likely.

The bus was crammed. Someone forgot to put on deodorant, adding to Lydia’s sullen mood. Choosing to exit the bus 10 minutes early, Lydia picked up the pace. She’d end up being late, but rather that than getting coated in stranger sweat. Gross.

Flustered and in need of a drink or two, Lydia knocked on Halle’s door. Standing outside deliberating wasn’t worth the frostbite. Might as well bite the bullet.

“Hey, come in.” Halle stood to one side looking gorgeous, of course. For once, couldn’t she look less like a leisurewear model?

“Hey, sorry I’m late. I walked a fair way. The bus was stinky.”

“Gross, I totally understand. Maybe it’s time you got a car?”

“In London? No thanks. Plus, I can borrow Fe’s anytime.”

“I have a car in London.”

“No, you have a toy car in London. You can park it on your front lawn.”

“Her, I can park her.”

Rolling her eyes playfully, Lydia handed Halle her coat. The same delicious smell of curry wafted from the kitchen, reminding her of why she was here. To talk about the kiss. Gulp.


“Yes please. Um… the potent stuff this time.”

Halle chuckled but fetched a bottle of Belgian beer from the fridge. “Try this. It’s one of my favourites.”

Not needing to be asked twice, Lydia took several healthy swallows. Yeah, that hit the spot alright. “Jesus, what percentage is it?” Only after she’d downed half her glass did the strength smack her in the chops.